Inside Climate News

Alarmist Headline by Activist Outlet Lacks Context on Produced Water

A new analysis by Inside Climate News attempting to quantify produced water spills in Texas should be viewed with a heavy dose of caution. The analysis lacks a clear methodology, makes misleading assumptions without context, ignores industry best practices, and was authored by an activist outlet with a history of anti-fracking biases.  Inside Climate News


ExxonKnew Is PR and Politics in Search of A Shakedown

ExxonKnew Is PR and Politics in Search of A Shakedown Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: ExxonKnew is a complete fraud engineered by the guilt-ridden, attention-starved trust-funder descendants of the same Rockefeller family who created the company.] “Exxon knew about