The Mass Exodus from New York Begins Following Climate Law

New York State is so screwed. Let’s just be honest–there’s no saving the Empire State now. (We can say these things because we live here.) Following the passage of a recent law (see New York Pulls the Trigger, Commits Energy Suicide with New Law), businesses and residents are beginning to move out of the state.


Law-breaking Lancaster Pipe Protesters Get Off with Slap on Wrist

When so-called protesters take the law into their own hands and illegally block a legal activity, like building a pipeline, they should be arrested and the maximum sentence should be enforced. If that doesn’t happen, people begin to disrespect and not trust our legal system. Such a miscarriage of justice happened yesterday in Lancaster County,


SWPA Gas-fired Electric Plant Project Gets French Investment

A project we’ve been tracking since 2017, a 620 megawatt Marcellus-fired electric plant in Greene County called Hill Top Energy Center (see our stories here), has just gotten a new investor–from France. Investment firm Ardian, based in Paris, announced it has purchased a 41.9% stake in the project. The price of the deal was not


CNX Operates SWPA’s Sole 100% All-Electric Fracking Unit

A little over a year ago CNX Resources announced that the company had signed a long-term contract with Evolution Well Services to use Evolution’s 100% natural gas-fueled electric pressure pumping equipment (see CNX Signs Deal with Evolution to Use 100% Electric Fracking Fleet). That is, CNX will use electric fracking equipment, with the electricity generated


Switcheroo: Marcellus/Utica Now has More Pipe Capacity than Gas

The pipeline situation today in the Marcellus/Utica region is far different than it was just a year or two ago. Not long ago lack of pipelines meant we had an overabundance of natural gas in the region without buyers, driving prices into the basement. Today? It’s all different. Because of new and expanded pipelines coming


1200 MW Chicago-area Gas-Fired Power Plant Begins Construction

Artist rendering – click for larger version A gas-fired power plant project near Chicago not previously on our radar screen has just begun construction. Jackson Generation, a subsidiary of J-POWER USA, has begun construction of a huge new 1,200 megawatt natural gas-fired combined cycle facility in Will County, Illinois. In something of a change from


New Fortress Energy Founder/CEO Big-time Democrat Donor

Wes Edens The bloom is off the rose for us with regard to New Fortress Energy and their plans to build several LNG export facilities in northeastern Pennsylvania (see Big News! Marcellus LNG Export Plant Coming to Landlocked NEPA), and an LNG export shipping facility along the banks of the Delaware River (see DRBC Approves


DC Court Allows NEXUS Case (to Emasculate FERC) to Proceed

Yesterday the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the court that handles challenges to regulatory agencies like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), refused to toss out a case filed by the City of Oberlin, OH and a regional anti group (with the backing of Big Green lawyer$). The lawsuit challenges FERC’s approval of the NEXUS


Another Supreme Court “Quick Take” Eminent Domain Case – Using MVP

Global warming fundamentalists certainly are a persistent lot. They can’t win elections, and they can’t force state or federal legislatures to pass laws banning pipelines (and shale drilling), so they do the next best thing. They twist our own court system against us in an attempt to block pipelines. Which has worked to some degree,


PA PUC Distributes $252M from Impact Tax – Highest Ever!

click for larger version Each June the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), the agency charged with keeping tabs on impact fee revenue from shale drillers (PA’s version of a severance tax) releases the final numbers of impact fee revenues and disbursements for the prior calendar year. Yesterday was the appointed day for 2018 fee revenue


Enviro Judge Allows Weymouth, MA Compressor to Advance

Artists rendering of how the plant will look (click for larger version) A compressor station planned for Weymouth, Massachusetts, part of the Spectra Energy/Enbridge Atlantic Bridge expansion project, has been stalled since 2017. The administration of MA Gov. Charlie Baker (RINO) finally issued an air permit for the project in January of this year (see


Spreading Marcellus Love Throughout PA with Expanded PIPE Program

PA Rep. Jonathan Fritz (photo by Rick Hiduk) Two weeks ago today MDN editor Jim Willis experienced the rare treat of venturing out from behind the keyboard to a press conference held in the great outdoors in nearby Susquehanna County, PA. The topic? Energize PA, a series of bills being promoted by Republicans in both


Mammoth Energy’s Puerto Rico Elec Work Gets it into Legal Trouble

Oilfield services company (OFS) Mammoth Energy Services, headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK, operates in the Marcellus/Utica Shale, Permian Basin, SCOOP/STACK in Oklahoma, and in Canada’s oil sands region. Mammoth not only works in OFS, they also dabble in electrical transmission and distribution (“T&D”) work. Following the 2017 disaster when Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Mammoth


Pieridae Buys Shell Assets in W Canada to Feed Nova Scotia LNG

Pieridae Energy wants to build an LNG export plant in Nova Scotia, Canada. The project is called the Goldboro LNG project. Nearly a year ago we told you that Pieridae had purchased a small natural gas producer in Western Canada to help provide supplies of gas to the East Coast plant (see Nova Scotia Goldboro


Antis Continue Attempt to Tie Childhood Cancer to SWPA Fracking

A group of enviro-Nazis has sunk to a new low in their holy mission to block Marcellus Shale drilling. A group of colluding Big Green groups along with sympathetic (and sycophantic) “reporters” (i.e propagandists) from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette are exploiting the pain and suffering of southwestern PA families of children who have cancer in their