FirstEnergy Credit Rating Lowered to ‘Junk’ re Nuke Scandal

click for larger version FirstEnergy continues to get battered over its alleged role in a $60 million bribery scandal in Ohio. The latest blow comes from the country’s three main ratings agencies, Fitch, Moody’s and S&P, which have all downgraded FirstEnergy’s credit rating to ‘junk’ status. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Meg Gentle Suddenly Departs as CEO of Tellurian/Driftwood LNG

In December 2015, evil corporate raider Carl Icahn (invests in companies so he can fire a bunch of people, boost the stock and pocket the profit) fired Cheniere Energy CEO Charif Souki (see Evil Corporate Raider Carl Icahn Claims Another CEO Scalp). Souki didn’t let it slow him down. He started a new LNG export


PA Marcellus Gas Production Up 2%, Wells Drilled Down 18% in 3Q

Yesterday Pennsylvania’s Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) released its latest quarterly Natural Gas Production Report–for July through September 2020 (full copy below). The report shows natgas production in PA rose 2.0% compared to the same period last year, which is the lowest increase on record since the shale revolution began. The number of new wells spud


Enbridge Building Solar Farm in PA to Power TETCO Compressor Stn

In September MDN brought you the news that pipeline company Enbridge is building a solar farm to provide electricity to power (in part) a Texas Eastern Transmission Pipeline Company (TETCO) compressor station in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, which is a first (see Enbridge Using Solar Farm to Power TETCO Compressor Station in NJ). Enbridge has


A Rational Look at Why Dumping NatGas by 2050 is Impossible

There are those in the non-thinking, arrogant, ignorant Big Green movement who demand (they always demand) that everyone (except themselves) stop using fossil fuels. Now. Or the earth is dead in 10-20 years. (It’s always 10-20 years, ever notice that?) And then there are those who kind of believe there may be something to man-made


API Vows to Fight Biden’s Promised Federal Land Frack Ban

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has finally grown a backbone. Maybe. Back on Nov. 7, the API welcomed, with open arms, dithering old Joe Biden and Kamala “Commie” Harris–long before the outcome of the race was even determined. Now that the catastrophic (to oil & gas) reality of a Biden administration has started to sink


Williams Deal with Bankrupt Chesapeake to Flow More Marcellus Gas

Pipeline giant Williams has cut a deal outside of bankruptcy court with Chesapeake Energy. The deal means Williams will continue to gather Chesapeake’s production in the Marcellus, Eagle Ford, and Midcontinent shale regions. Chessy has also committed to buying up to 150 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of capacity on Williams’ new Transco Regional


Maryland Congressman Demands FERC Answers re MVP, ACP

Far-left Congressman Jamie Raskin Leftist Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin, from Maryland, is asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to provide reams of documents on how it handles landowner complaints about natural gas pipelines crossing their land. Raskin is Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. He’s got


LANL Invents Clever Way to Sniff Out Fugitive Methane Leaks

fugitive Researchers with the Dept. of Energy’s (DOE) Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico continue to make big oil and gas industry breakthroughs. Two weeks ago we told you about LANL’s breakthrough discovery about pressures used when fracking in the Marcellus (see DOE Marcellus Research Finds High Frack Pressure Keeps Gas Trapped). A


Some in Oil & Gas Industry Look Forward to a Biden Presidency

Every now and again we hear from MDN readers who mildly (or strongly) disagree with our politics and view of the leftwing Democrat Party and the frail, mentally-challenged Joe Biden (who won’t last two years in office before he’s pushed out for medical and/or mental reasons). They tell us a Biden presidency isn’t the end


Oil & Gas Experts Give Realistic Assessment of Biden Impact

“OK Jim, what’s *really* going to happen to the oil and gas industry under a Joe Biden presidency? None of your apocalyptic B.S. please.” We’ve heard that sentiment/question expressed on occasion by MDN subscribers. Last week the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and the Kansas City Reserve Bank hosted a virtual conference titled, “Energy and the


Gulfport Asks Judge to Force Cheniere Pipe Co. to Return $76M

Last Monday we brought you the news that Gulfport Energy, the third-largest driller in the Ohio Utica Shale, had filed for bankruptcy (see Gulfport Energy Files for Pre-arranged Chapter 11 Bankruptcy). Today we bring you the news that Gulfport has asked the bankruptcy judge to force one of the pipelines Gulfport uses to ship natural


Clown Judges from 4th Circuit Put Another Hold on MVP Permit

This has been going on for more than a year. Mountain Valley Pipeline, a 303-mile pipeline from West Virginia to southern Virginia, has not been able to finish a project that is now 92% in the ground and complete because of repeated lawsuits by the Sierra Club and colluding leftist Democrat judges on the U.S.


Bobcat Energy Plans 2nd Wastewater Injection Well Near Youngstown

Injection well process (click for larger version) Last year Bobcat Energy Resources finished work on a Class II wastewater injection well in Coitsville Township, near Youngstown, OH, and began operating the well (see New Mahoning Injection Well Online Soon; OEPA Issues Violation). Bobcat has filed an application with the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR)


UGI Energy Launches LNG Peak Shaver in Bethlehem, PA

Yesterday UGI Energy Services, a subsidiary of Pennsylvania utility company UGI Corporation, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its brand new Bethlehem, PA LNG peak shaver facility. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chairwoman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille was among the dignitaries on hand to celebrate. What is a “peak shaver” and why is this an important project