indur goklany

All-the-Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics

All-the Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics Dr. Indur Goklany Member, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: This wonderful post addresses a human weakness; that we tend to compromise to save political face when we shouldn’t. “All-the Above” is simply ignorant energy policy.] The Net Zero energy policy pursued by the current administration


Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be!

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Green energy policies forcing the replacement of fossil fuels with solar panels and wind towers are counterproductive and make fossil fuels the greenest energy.] A 35-year veteran