Antis Seek to Ban All Fracking in Allegheny County, PA

Allegheny County, PA They never, ever give up. And neither should we. The “they” we’re speaking of are irrational anti-fossil fuel zealots. The Allegheny County Board of Health, a nine-member governing board appointed by the County Chief Executive, held a meeting yesterday to discuss air permits. Attending the meeting were anti-fossil fuel zealots making a…


It’s Time for NYC Dems to Give Upstate NY Counties Right to Frack

As we’ve pointed out a number of times this year, the New York legislature (both chambers controlled by radical Democrats) passed a ban on “CO2 fracking” (uses carbon dioxide instead of water) back in March of this year (see Radicals Win in NY – Senate Passes Permanent Ban on CO2 Fracking). Yet, as we told…


MSC Pushes Back Against Cecil Township’s 2,500-Ft Setback Law

Earlier this week, three of five supervisors in Cecil Township (Washington County), PA, voted to ban all new fracking via a new setback (distance from well to nearest structure) requirement of 2,500 feet (see Cecil Twp Supervisors Pull the Trigger on Frack Ban Via Setbacks). We told you the new setback distance bans virtually all…


8 Mo. After NY Legislature Passed CO2 Frack Ban, Gov Has Not Signed

Nearly eight months ago, the New York Senate passed a bill the Assembly had previously passed to ban the use of carbon dioxide in shale drilling (so-called “CO2 fracking”). Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, a reliable anti-fossil fueler, still has not signed the bill into law. What the heck is going on? Why is she missing…


Cecil Twp Supervisors Pull the Trigger on Frack Ban Via Setbacks

Cecil Township, PA Let the lawsuits begin. Last night, three of five supervisors in Cecil Township (Washington County), PA, voted to ban all new fracking via a new setback (distance from well to nearest structure) requirement of 2,500 feet (see Cecil Twp About to Ban New Fracking – Will Other PA Towns Follow?). Contrary to…


Leftist Enviro Groups Ask PA EQB to Ban Fracking via Bigger Setbacks

Yesterday, the radicalized Clean Air Council and Environmental Integrity Project filed a rulemaking petition with the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board (EQB) asking the EQB to increase minimum setback distances from fracked wells. Setbacks, also referred to as protective buffers and no-drill zones in the context of fracking, are mandatory distances that fracked wells must abide…


Ohio Delays Decision on More Fracking Under Salt Fork State Park

The Ohio Oil & Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) met yesterday to consider whether to allow fracking under (not on) two Ohio state-owned lands, including the Leesville Wildlife Area in Carroll County and Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County. Commissioners approved moving forward to the next step with Leesville, which is to accept bids….


New Study Shows No Link Between PA Fracking & Birth Outcomes

An assistant professor of data science at Saint Vincent College in Westmoreland County, PA, recently published a study (based on hospital records) examining whether some chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing affect the occurrence of pre-term births (PTB) and low birth weights (LBW) in the United States. She looked at data from several counties in southwest…


ORVI Slanted Push Poll Finds Majority of PA Voters Support Fracking

You know you’re a loser when you can’t even spin the results of your own rigged push poll. The Ohio River Valley Institute (ORVI) is nothing more than a front group, another name for the ultra-left, biased, and virulent anti-fossil fuel Heinz Endowments. ORVI pokes its head up periodically to issue “reports” (i.e., propaganda) bashing…


Water Worries re Water Used for Fracking During Ohio Drought

Parts of Ohio (like other areas in the northeast) have experienced a moderate drought over the past several months. The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) manages ten lakes and four dry dams in southeastern Ohio for purposes of flood control, recreation, and conservation. One of its biggest customers for water sales is the shale oil…


History of 1st Marcellus Well Drilled by Range in Washington County

For years, MDN has told you that the very first Marcellus well to be drilled and fracked was done by Range Resources Corporation in Washington County, PA. Beyond that, we didn’t know much. Thanks to an article appearing in the Washington Observer-Reporter, we now know the full story—or at least a lot more of the…


The Lying Nun Makes an Appearance at Shale Insight Event

Sally Field as “The Flying Nun” Some 800 delegates are attending the Shale Insight event held in Erie, PA, from Tuesday through today. It’s the premier shale event in the Marcellus/Utica each year. While 800 talented, hardworking, intelligent people are inside listening to speakers, networking (talking to others), and learning how to make shale drilling…


2 New Nominations to Frack Under (NOT On) Salt Fork State Park, OH

In February, the Ohio Oil & Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) met to award contracts to drill under (not on) several Ohio state parks, including 5,700 acres of the 20,000-acre Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County (see Ohio Awards Drilling Contracts for State Parks – Salt Fork Surprise). The contract for Salt Fork was…


The Real Cause of Low Natural Gas Prices in PA, OH, WV

In yet another attempt to deflect attention away from Kamala Harris’ extreme position on fracking (she wanted to ban it completely everywhere in 2019), mainstream news continues to publish stories on other Pennsylvania energy topics. For example, yesterday, the New York Times published a story with this headline: “Big Energy Issue in Pennsylvania Is Low…