COP-27 An Insane Asylum or Corporatist Confab?

COP-27 An Insane Asylum or Corporatist Confab? Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: COP-27 is a global gathering of elitists, of course. Paul Driessen notes it resembles an insane asylum, but it’s also a corporatist confab on self-enrichment.] Do I hear $100 billion? Would you give $1 trillion? Now, then, would


The Scary, Ludicrous and Simply Wrong Predictions of Neo-Malthusians

Robert Bradley, Jr.Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy ResearchPrincipal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog.. . .. Neo-Malthusians have wrecked havoc with environmental and energy policies. The failure of their outrageous predictions to come true has only emboldened them. Are free-market optimists the dumb ones who jump off tall buildings and report that everything