Greg Wrightstone

Montana Judge Goes Childish on Climate!

Montana Judge Goes Childish on Climate! Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Another sign of Western Civilization’s collapse is the childish Montana judge who bought into the arguments of kids repeating lies told them by adult exploiters.] A group of young people in


Science Isn’t Consensus and Consensus Isn’t Science

Science Isn’t Consensus and Consensus Isn’t Science Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: What is science? Well, it surely isn’t consensus. Indeed, as Chricton noted, the greatest scientists are always those who broke with the prevailing consensus!] The science teachers’ bureaucracy is driving


CO2 Reality vs. Narratives and Coverups on Social Media

CO2 Reality vs. Narratives and Coverups on Social Media Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Social and other media companies have merged with government to create a police state where only approved CO2 narratives are permitted and free speech is out!] To no


Republicans Need to Learn How to “Just Say No”

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Republicans, who never met a battle they didn’t know how to lose, are trying to have it both ways on energy. It won’t work. Truth is the


Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be!

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Green energy policies forcing the replacement of fossil fuels with solar panels and wind towers are counterproductive and make fossil fuels the greenest energy.] A 35-year veteran


Wind and Solar Do Nothing for PJM’s CO2 Emissions

Wind and Solar Do Nothing for PJM’s CO2 Emissions Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director, CO2 Coalition Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition …   [Editor’s Note: RGGI has subsidized wind and solar with no net effect on emissions; demonstrating government can only make a mess of things and raise prices paid by citizens.] As the imposition


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – July 9, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – July 9, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week: LinkedIn Goes Woke and Denies CO2 Facts They’re Now Coming for Our Pets! Germany


SEC Sticks Its Nose in Green Politics and Threatens Economy

SEC Sticks Its Nose in Green Politics and Threatens Economy Gregory Wrightstone Geologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: The Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has decided to do green politics on behalf of the corporatists who seek to extract trillions in green rent from us.] The U.S. Securities and Exchange


Ethanol Mandates Resulting in Crazy Unintended Consequences

Ethanol Mandates Resulting in Crazy Unintended Consequences Gregory Wrightstone Geologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Ethanol mandates are among the dumbest things trendy governments have ever done and the chickens of unintended consequences are now coming home to roost.] Expanded use of ethanol — enabled by President Biden’s lifting a


Wrightstone: No Climate Crisis, No Need for $3.5 Trillion

Wrightstone Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Greg Wrightstone just did a nice segment on the Candace Owens show about his book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know.” it was a thorough pleasure to watch our friend and guest blogger, Greg Wrightstone be interviewed by Candace Owens yesterday.


Global Warming Advocates Lose Minds Over Inconvenient Facts

Gordon TombSenior Advisor, CO2 Coalition .. …. Some Norwegian advocates of global warming theories have gone completely gal (Norsk for “crazy”) over some very “Inconvenient Facts.” Other than by misspelling “fjord,” how would an American geologist draw the ire of a pair of Norwegian politicians?  Answer: Write a book that counters the notion that human activity


RGGI Being Promoted with Climate Misinformation and Scare Tactics

Gregory WrightstoneGeologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” .. … [Editor’s Note: Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is pushing a new carbon tax called RGGI onto homeowners and businesses by using fear and misinformation.] Pennsylvania’s Democrat governor, Tom Wolf, sows fear with misinformation about climate change to advance plans to add the Commonwealth to the Regional Greenhouse Gas


Tom Wolf’s New Carbon Tax Proposal Is All Pain and No Gain

Gregory WrightstoneGeologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” .. … Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is trying to implement a new carbon tax by fiat, enrolling the Commonwealth in a green scam that has done nothing for climate. Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf’s executive action to impose a Cap and Trade system on carbon dioxide emissions is easily


The Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan Is All Cost and No Benefit

Gregory WrightstoneGeologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” .. … Shutting down debate is no way to convince anyone, but Apple has killed Greg Wrightstone’s very successful Inconvenient Facts App. Was it to please Al Gore? On April 29, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf released the latest version of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Climate