Greene County

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, June 2, 1923!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, June 2, 1923! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, November 4, 1922!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, November 4, 1922! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Impact Fees Spread the Wealth from Marcellus Shale Drilling

shale gas news Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … [Editor’s Note: The Marcellus Shale impact fees program has been one of the most innovative and successful to ways to spread around the the benefits of Pennsylvania shale gas.] The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has reported that $234 million


RGGI Advocates Spin Claim Pennsylvanians Are “Clamoring for Action”

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: DEP collected 13,000 comments on RGGI and advocates are falsely portraying this as Pennsylvanians clamoring for idiotic “climate action.”] The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) received some 13,000 public comments on its horrible plan to force PA residents to pay $2.36 billion in new energy taxes