European Parliament

Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs?

Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs? David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: As hard as it to believe, the completely debunked Club of Rome report from a half-century ago is being cited by today’s gentry who seek to control all of us.] I have written for


Italy Refuses to Gift China and Commit Economic Suicide

Italy Refuses to Gift China and Commit Economic Suicide … … Italy, one of the world’s great car makers, is refusing to go along with politically correct edicts issued by the unaccountable EU regarding transition to EVs! Italy intends to vote against European Union’s plans to ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars


Flatten the Curve? Again? Yes, Control Is What They Want!

Flatten the Curve? Again? Yes, Control Is What They Want! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  “Flatten the curve” is a bad reminder of the disaster that was the government COVID response. Now, the ruling class wants to do it again with energy lockdowns. Europe is facing an energy crisis of its own


EU Parliament Rejects #ExxonKnew Campaign

Despite recent efforts by anti-oil and gas activists and Green party members, the European Parliament voted not to strip ExxonMobil of its access badges to Parliament on Tuesday. According to reports, the parliament’s secretary general Klaus Welle “found no grounds to seek authorization to withdraw or deactivate ExxonMobil’s access badges, given the absence of formal


New Hearing, Old Tricks: #ExxonKnew Takes Debunked Testimony to Parliament

This Thursday, the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Petitions and Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will hold a joint hearing on “Climate Change Denial,” specifically focusing on ExxonMobil and the #ExxonKnew campaign. The hearing was scheduled as a result of a petition submitted to the EP by Food & Water Watch Europe, the