energy bills

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: There’s nothing more dicey at the moment than green energy, which is failing everywhere, but Josh Shapiro is willing to bet Pennsylvania’s future on fantasies.] Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has asked regional power grid operators to


Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid!

Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Our guest blogger, Gordon Tomb, recently gave an excellent presentation to the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association and the full text follows.] First, I want to say how glad I am to be in


Net Zero Is No Solution for Any But Its Nattering Advocates

Net Zero Is No Solution for Any But Its Nattering Advocates Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Net zero advocates and grifters are pushing a formula that only puts money in their own pockets and sells the rest of us completely out, which is the idea.]


Josh Shapiro: Will He Sell Out Labor to Please Enviros?

Josh Shapiro: Will He Sell Out Labor to Please Enviros? Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro will now face a huge test. Will he, like some many other Dems, sell out his labor allies to please enviros or balance energy and environment?] With Democrat


Tom Wolf and His RGGI Will Drive Our Energy Prices Ever Higher

Tom Wolf and His RGGI Will Drive Energy Prices Ever Higher! Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Tom Wolf will be the “lone wolf” still defending RGGI when it has driven Pennsylvania’s energy prices to the highest ever, but at least he’ll finally be gone.] Already


Well, This Explains A Lot About Fractivist Energy Ignorance

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   The gullibility of so many urban voters on the subject of energy issues, their energy ignorance quotient, never ceases to amaze but it is easily explained. The degree to which urban voters are susceptible to boneheaded ideas about energy, that is to say their energy ignorance quotient, is quite