Energize PA

Democrats and Trades Not Happy with Tom Wolf; No, Not Happy at All

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Democrats and trades have been supporters of HB 1100 and the Energize PA initiative to build on Pennsylvania’s shale and they’re not happy with Tom Wolf. Pennsylvania House Bill (HB) 1100, aimed at attracting new petrochemical investment to the state, was previously passed by the PA House, and last


West Side Career and Technology Center Receives $15,000 EITC Grant!

Rick HidukManaging Editor of EndlessMtnLifestyles.com … …  West Side Career and Technology Center (WSCTC) was a recent recipient of a $15,000 grant from Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation to support their programs. A growing number of high school students are looking into the programs offered by their local technical schools and career centers to meet