emergency responders

Williams Nudges Aside Coterra?

Williams Nudges Aside Coterra? Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy   … … [Editor’s Note: Fish for the Fallen provides recreation and retreats for veterans and first responders who live with PTSD and other injuries. Williams and Coterra support it.] Patriots Cove staff and volunteers near Noxen in Wyoming County continued their Memorial Day


Fish for the Fallen Gets Gas Industry Support!

Fish for the Fallen Gets Gas Industry Support! Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … [Editor’s Note: The Northeast Pennsylvania natural gas industry is a supporter of a wonderful program called “Fish for the Fallen” that takes place at Patriots Cove!] t’s hard to think of a more fitting


Susquehanna County Emergency Responders Talk Safety

Rick HidukManaging Editor of EndlessMtnLifestyles.com … …  Officers from 10 Western Susquehanna County fire companies attended a dinner and safety discussion hosted by Cabot Oil & Gas on March 20. As natural gas drilling escalates in Susquehanna County, so too does the amount of traffic associated with the industry and the need for first responders