electricity prices

Europe Awakens to Net Zero Nonsense As Biden Sleeps Away

Europe Awakens to Net Zero Nonsense As Biden Sleeps Away … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is coming off its drunken night of net zero partying and waking up with a massive hangover, but Joe Biden is still sleeping as his minions keep partying.] Europe’s plan to slash carbon emissions and reach net zero carbon by


Europe Getting Cold Feet on Global Warming As Biden Jumps In

Europe Getting Cold Feet on Global Warming As Biden Jumps In … … [Editor’s Note: Yes, Europe is getting cold feet with respect to its rush to net zero on behalf of the world’s corporatists and other elites. It seems the people don’t like it!] Beginning decades ago, Europe went wholeheartedly into “net zero carbon


Gas Stove Ban to be Slapped on All New Yorkers by Elites

Gas Stove Ban to be Slapped on All New Yorkers by Elites … … New York has lost its bearings. In a fit of pointless global warming virtue signaling, its elites are doing a gas stove ban hurting its ordinary citizens. New York will become the first state to pass a law banning natural-gas and other fossil-fuel


Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching!

Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching! … … Joe Biden, controlled and manipulated as he is by China and the corporatist world, is pursuing a net zero dream that is really a nightmare of impossibilities. Politicians who passed the Inflation Reduction Act touted that the bill would reduce carbon dioxide emissions


Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy!

Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy! Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: Texas, the land of oil and gas, has, sadly, also insanely promoted uneconomic wind energy to the great detriment of all electricity using Texas citizens.]


Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy!

Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy! Victor Furman Upstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Upstate NY is in great danger of being Buffaloed; put at the same risk of danger that Buffalo endured with the recent winter storm. Green energy is white death.] If not


Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies

Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Europe pursued anti-fracking green energy fantasies that made it vulnerable to Russia and without its own natural gas at low prices also made coal king again.] Coal generation worldwide is expected to increase to a new record in 2022, driven by robust


California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense

California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense  ...… … [Editor’s Note: California wants to be a climate-centric politically correct role model but, in fact, is a poster child for net-zero nonsense that is a non-starter for citizens.] Californian regulators approved a plan to reduce the state’s carbon-dioxide emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by


Europe Energy Crisis Proves Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Europe Energy Crisis Proves Stupid Is As Stupid Does  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe has pursued a green energy show of its superiority only to demonstrate the stupidity of relying only upon renewables and Russia for its energy needs.] According to an author who defends the “green transition” writing in Seeking Alpha, “There are


Biden, Having Raised Gas Prices, Wants Us to Do Reparations!

Biden, Having Raised Gas Prices, Wants Us to Do Reparations  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, our White House occupant, has committed us to pay out climate reparations after having squandered our energy dominance and while China gets exempted!] The United States endorsed compensating developing countries for global warming costs, reversing its long opposition.


Newsom Imposes Huge New Energy Costs on Californians

Newsom Imposes Huge New Energy Costs on Californians  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Gavin Newsom has been competing to be America’s worst governor ever since Andrew Cuomo fell from grace and he’s succeeding by raising California energy prices!] Gasoline prices in California are over $2.50 more than the national average of $3.79 a gallon. The


Solar Power Is No Solution at All, But China Benefits, So…

Solar Power Is No Solution at All, But China Benefits, So…  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Solar power is a joke when it comes to reliability, cost and environmental impact but China is the big winner so, therefore, China indebted Joe Biden loves it.] Solar power is to be the savior of President Biden’s climate


Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy

Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe has descended into an energy crisis attributable to green energy foolishness that left it vulnerable to Russian blackmail sending electric prices soaring and Biden is following like a lamb to the slaughter.] Power prices are expected to increase as the price


Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game

Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Coal is the winner in the Green New Deal sweepstakes because politicians have bought into the global warming grifting scam, which has destroyed energy security.] Politicians and environmentalists claim an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in


Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate!

Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is facing a massive energy crisis precipitated by absolutely insane, but perfectly politically correct, energy policies that should never be emulated.] But that is exactly what President Biden is doing. Europe’s move toward decarbonization 30 years ago has