electric cars

EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits

EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits … … [Editor’s Note: Biden’s all-out attempt to shove EVs onto Americans is going to end in a big crash and the warning signs of the approaching boondoggle fiasco are everywhere.] Electric vehicles (EVs) have been heralded as the eco-friendly saviors of our transportation


Green Energy for the Woke Is No Bargain for the Awake

Green Energy Victor FurmanUpstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Vic Furman talks candidly about his way of making points and why he sees green energy politics as nothing but a scam on America being pushed by Joe Biden.] Some may call me an extremist, others say I could use