
Science Education Now About Squelching Science?

Science Education Now About Squelching Science? Dr. Sharon Camp Analytical Chemist and Educator, Senior Education Advisor, CO2 Coalition … [Editor’s Note: How did science education become about adopting politically correct opinions and squelching real science where continuous questioning is always the rule?] Never have I been so inspired upon being removed from a venue. Actually, as


Severance Tax Redux As Lefties Try to Destroy Industry Again!

Severance Tax Redux As Lefties Try to Destroy Industry Again Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro owes a debt to the leftists who bought his purist demagoguery and elected him. Now, they are calling in the loan and asking for a severance tax.] Once again, the