
Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff

Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff Mark Stevens NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: New York is nothing if not politically correct and its offshore wind virtue signaling amounts to a stampede over the cliff for New Yorkers who pay the bills.] The stampede to build offshore wind turbines


NOaa Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters!

NOAA Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is, under Joe Biden prioritizing Big Green grifters and off-shore wind boondoggles over sea mammals.] “Damn the whales, full speed ahead” seems to be the offshore