diesel prices

Heating Oil Reserves Also Now Threatened by Biden

Heating Oil Reserves Now Threatened by Biden  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Biden is a hopelessly inept man whose ability to muck them things up can, as Obama noted, never be underestimated. Now, he’s messing with heating oil reserves.] The Biden administration is again considering tapping additional emergency energy reserves; this time of heating fuel


Diesel Prices the Result of Anti-American Energy Policies!

Diesel Prices the Result of Anti-American Energy Policies!  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Diesel prices have risen to unaffordable levels for many and are a huge factor in inflation and supply chain issues, all caused by anti-American energy policies!] President Biden is complaining about diesel prices and production and his Administration is looking at banning


China Compromised, Biden Sells Out Land of the Free!

China Compromised, Biden Sells Out Land of the Free! Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: The Biden family is compromised by its deals with China and, by extension, the Chinese Communist Party. He’s sold out what’s left of the land of the free.] Presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to reunite America


Biden War on Oil and Gas Yields Record High Energy Prices

Biden War on Oil and Gas Yields Record High Energy Prices David Blackmon Editor, Shale Magazine Co-Host, The Oil Patch Radio … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden is an angry flailing zombie shoved into a Presidency he can’t handle. His oil and gas policies reflect it, portending apocalypse ahead for consumers.] Seemingly determined to repeat