Devon Energy

STEM Is the Future in Oklahoma as Gas Industry Brings It!

STEM Is the Future in Oklahoma as Gas Industry Brings It George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: Science, technology, engineering and math or STEM education is the future if there is to be one and the natural gas industry is helping to bring it to Oklahoma.] The Oklahoma Energy Resources


New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian

New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … The Permian Basin has made New Mexico the nation’s second largest oil producer and Coterra’s Bill desRosiers reports on the remarkable growth and success. The annual Carlsbad Mayor’s Energy Summit, held October


Devon, BKV close on Barnett asset sale

Devon Energy has completed on its $830 million sale of its Barnett Shale assets in North Texas to a subsidiary of Banpu Kalnin Ventures, Kallanish Energy reports. The deal marks Devon Energy’s exit from the Barnett Shale. The deal was signed with BKV Barnett LLC. The transaction had been announced last December and was revised last


Devon selling Canadian assets to Canadian Natural for $2.8B

U.S. oil and gas independent Devon Energy said this morning it’s selling its Canadian assets to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. for C$3.8 billion ($2.81 billion) in cash, Kallanish Energy reports. Devon is one of several oil producers to invest in the Anadarko Bain’s Scoop and Stack plays in Oklahoma, which is seen by some industry players