Delaware River Basin Commission

DRBC Ban 3rd Circuit Opinion An Injustice, But Not the End!

DRBC Ban 3rd Circuit Opinion An Injustice, But Not the End! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: An urban biased panel of 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals judges has delivered nothing but injustice for Wayne County landowners but it’s not the end of the story.] In a brilliant


Delaware Riverkeeper Destructors Frustrated by DRBC Action!

Delaware Riverkeeper Destructors Frustrated by DRBC Action Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: The Delaware Riverkeeper and WHYY are angry with their DRBC sister entity (all funded by the same sugar daddy) for extending a permit to build a LNG dock in NJ.] Quick…grab the paddles! The patient


DRBC….a Pecksniffian Party of Phony Pontificating Plunderers

Bob NolanWayne County, Pennsylvania, Landowner …. Our friend Bob Nolan uses Dickens and Blazing Saddles to illustrate what a bunch of phonies the DRBC amounts to when it comes to us. Ironic how relevant Charles Dickens’ novel “Martin Chuzzlewit” remains in today’s world.“Seth Pecksniff, a character with a holier-than-thou attitude in Charles Dickens’s 1844 novel


DRBC to Finally Decide on Fracking Ban?

Nearly three and a half years: That’s how long the Delaware River Basin Commission has been sitting on regulations it opened for public comment that could decide the fate of oil and natural gas development within the region. It appears this week the commission will finally (maybe) answer the question: Can shale development occur in


William Penn Foundation Funders Left Quite An Environmental Legacy

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  The William Penn Foundation was created by the Haas family of Rohm & Haas, which is now part of the DowDupont conglomerate and has left a chemical trail. No group has done more to undermine the welfare of Delaware River basin landowners and those who have to make a