Deep Well Services

Laterals Just Keep Getting Longer, As Gas Footprints Shrink

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Laterals just keep getting longer as drilling moves out underground and stays confined to a small well pad on the surface.] Deep Well Services (DWS), headquartered in Butler County, PA, is living up to the company name. DWS is one of our favorite oilfield services companies, born


Hopeful Signs for Turnaround in the Marcellus/Utica Industry

One of our favorite M-U reporters, Paul Gough of the Pittsburgh Business Times, went in search of news about Appalachian shale drilling and its future. He found some rays of light. Gough talked with several of our favorite M-U people–CNX CEO Nick DeIuliis, Deep Well Services CEO Mark Marmo, and Range Resources COO Dennis Degner.