Deb Haaland

Climate Change Alarmism Is All Pain for No Gain – Enough!

Climate Change Alarmism Is All Pain for No Gain – Enough! Franz Unterreiner Facebook Commentator on Reality vs. Climate Alarmism ….   [Editor’s Note: Climate change alarmism is ever more characterized by false, contradictory and dubious claims. Franz Unterreiner illustrates and shows it’s all pain and no gain.] David Turk, Deputy Secretary of the Energy


Key Takeaways From Interior’s Forum On Federal Lands Leasing

While some opponents of responsible energy production used a recent Department of Interior forum to call for a ban on all oil and natural gas development on federal lands, or to make the Biden administration’s pause on new leasing a permanent ban, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland began the event with an important acknowledgement: “There is


Rep. Haaland: Federal Lands Orders Are “Not A Permanent Ban”

The Biden administration’s orders on oil and natural gas leasing and permitting on federal lands are not permanent bans, according to Rep. Deb Haaland (D-N.M.), during day one of her confirmation hearing for Interior Secretary who said. Throughout the hearing, Rep. Haaland repeatedly told members of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee that she


Will Bennet and Hickenlooper Speak Out On Federal Lands Ban?

It’s been weeks since the Biden administration temporarily removed the authority of approving permits from career Bureau of Land Management staffers here in Colorado and placed an indefinite moratorium on oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands. There has since been swift and critical reaction around the country to these orders that will cost