Dakota Access

Pipeline Opponents Will Learn the Worm Always Turns

Craig RuckerExecutive Director, Co-Founder, CFACT … …  [Editor’s Note: Pipeline opponents, funded by mega-rich special interests, have used lawsuits as weapons that can easily and will be used against them.] Fracking (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) has unleashed bounties of US oil and natural gas, dramatically reduced energy prices from their historic 2008 peak, saved families


Judge orders Dakota Access shut down for environmental review

A federal judge has ordered that the Dakota Access oil pipeline be temporarily shut down by Aug. 5 for an in-depth environmental review of the project, Kallansh Energy reports. That order came from U.S. District Judge James Boasberg in what was a major setback for the Trump administration and the controversial pipeline and a major


Dakota Access Pipeline Vandals Indicted by Federal Grand Jury!

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW        Ruby Montoya and Jessica Reznicek have been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for Dakota Access Pipeline vandalism. It’s about time the Fed gloves came off. Two years ago I wrote about these two Dakota Access Pipeline vandals, noting they were stooges for a radical group known as Rising