Big Oil Asks U.S. Supremes to Shut Down Lawsuits re Global Warming

A coalition of major oil companies is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a key aspect of numerous ongoing nationwide lawsuits filed by cities, counties, and states. The lawsuits by multiple “blue” states and cities accuse Big Oil companies of deceiving the public about their role in causing mythical manmade global warming. The…


Shale Energy is on the Verge of Next Oil and Gas Breakthrough

Every time we read about peak oil or gas (demand or supply), or that there are no more good places left to drill for shale and drillers are now left to scrape and claw at less desirable locations, or that the decline curves are killing shale, etc. — we laugh. How many times over the…


Bloomberg: Shale in Midlife Crisis, Big Oil Rides in to Save Day

We spotted an article by a Bloomberg opinion columnist that says American shale energy is in a “midlife crisis.” The… Continue reading The post Bloomberg: Shale in Midlife Crisis, Big Oil Rides in to Save Day first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Senate Democrats Attack Big Oil Again, Propose Huge New Taxes

What can we say? Once again, the Democrat Party is trying to demonize fossil fuels and is going after “Big… Continue reading The post Senate Democrats Attack Big Oil Again, Propose Huge New Taxes first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian

New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … The Permian Basin has made New Mexico the nation’s second largest oil producer and Coterra’s Bill desRosiers reports on the remarkable growth and success. The annual Carlsbad Mayor’s Energy Summit, held October


ConocoPhillips reports 3Q net loss of $450M

ConocoPhillips has reported a third quarter 2020 net loss of $450 million or 42 cents per share, Kallanish Energy reports. That compares to 3Q 2019 net earnings of $3.1 billion or $2.74 per share. Third quarter 2020 adjusted earnings were a loss of $300 million or 31 cents a share, compared with 3Q 2019 adjusted


Plains gives up on pipeline steel surcharge

U.S. pipeline operator Plains All American has abandoned a plan to institute a surcharge to offset Section 232 steel tariffs for its new Cactus II Pipeline, following objections by ConocoPhillips and Encana, according to regulatory documents secured by Kallanish, sister publication of Kallanish Energy. The proposed tariff would have been $0.05/barrel on its 670,000 barrels