commonwealth foundation

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: There’s nothing more dicey at the moment than green energy, which is failing everywhere, but Josh Shapiro is willing to bet Pennsylvania’s future on fantasies.] Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has asked regional power grid operators to


FERC Stone Wall of Anti-Transparency Rhetoric Hiding Stuff?

Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Kevin Mooney continues investigating FERC corruption happening under Biden. The Clements Capers are being hidden behind a stone wall of anti-transparency talk.] After making repeated attempts to determine how much influence environmental


Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid!

Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Our guest blogger, Gordon Tomb, recently gave an excellent presentation to the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association and the full text follows.] First, I want to say how glad I am to be in


Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything

Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: This is Part II of Kevin Mooney’s deep investigation into the massive FERC corruption happening in the Biden Administration. This time it’s the Clements Capers.] Congressional figures responsible for conducting oversight are


FERC Is Now Rotten. Is There Nothing Biden Hasn’t Polluted?

FERC Is Now Rotten. Is There Nothing Biden Hasn’t Polluted? Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: The Biden Administration has destroyed everything it has touched, spreading the rot of corruption everywhere imaginable, including supposedly independent FERC.] Before a federal energy commissioner promiscuously entered into dealings


Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It?

Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It? Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro has sold out to elitists who want to ride the corrupt global warming scam into a land of more power and more riches at the expense of workers.]


Shapiro Being Funded by Big Green Machine (and China?)

Shapiro Being Funded by Big Green Machine (and China?) Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro is no friend of trade unions. He is being supported by the China connected NRDC gang of blue bloods who want to shut down pipelines and fracking.] Climate change activists opposed to


Carbon Tax? No, Absolutely Not, Not Without Representation!

Kevin MooneyThe Commonwealth Foundation … . [Editor’s Note: The following post comes, via permission from the author and our good friend, Kevin Mooney, who writes for The Commonwealth Foundation at PaTownHall.] After vetoing a bill that would have prohibited him from compelling state residents to pay hundreds of millions of dollars annually in carbon taxes