Colorado Oil and Gas Association

COGA: Data Shows Colorado Remains the Gold Standard for Cleaner, Innovative Oil and Natural Gas Production

Data analyzed by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA) shows that methane emissions along Colorado’s Front Range are continuing to fall and that for years, producers in the state have been on the forefront of environmental protection. According to a COGA press release, recent studies show that methane emissions have decreased significantly since 2015,


American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia!

American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia! George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: The American oil and gas industry has joined hands to write Joe Biden and tell him to choose American energy development before begging the Saudis for their oil.] Twenty-seven natural gas and oil trade organizations from


As Rulemaking Series Concludes, Colorado’s Oil & Natural Gas Industry Says Regulatory Certainty Is Critical

The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission recently approved its Mission Change rulemaking series that was spurred by last year’s passage of SB 181 to overhaul industry regulations. With this rulemaking series complete, the oil and natural gas industry says that regulatory certainty is absolutely vital, as they continue to work alongside COGCC to protect


COGCC Aims for “Collaboration” and “Certainty” for Colorado’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The newly reorganized Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission is striving to successfully implement new industry regulations and seeking collaboration with stakeholders to provide a renewed sense of certainty for energy production in the state, according to COGCC’s commissioners during the 32nd Annual Energy Summit hosted by the Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA), held