‘Completely Unacceptable’: COGCC Overruled Voters, Now Insults Colorado’s Oil & Natural Gas Workers

You can see a pattern developing at the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission and it shows a clear bias against the energy industry in the state. In September, the commission ignored the will of the voters by unilaterally extending setback distances. Now, staffers there have been caught insulting the energy companies it regulates, according to


Falsehoods and Insults From Anti-Energy Activists At COGCC Hearing

Anti-energy activists rehashed the same old falsehoods and tossed around insults during a recent series of Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission public hearings in yet another attempt to undermine responsible oil and natural gas development in the state. The COGCC is undertaking a week-long series of public hearings as part of the rulemaking process


Statewide Moratorium Rejected, Industry Speaks with United Voice at COGCC Meeting

A newly-reorganized Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) held another meeting today as they continue the rulemaking process for the recently passed oil and gas legislation. The meeting started with the introduction of new commissioners that were appointed by Governor Jared Polis last week. The commissioners come from a diverse array of backgrounds and