CO2 Coalition

Greenpeace Peddles Excuses While Whales Wash Up on Shore!

Greenpeace Peddles Excuses While Whales Wash Up on Shore! Patrick Moore on NGL Pipelines Co-founder of Greenpeace, Director on the CO2Coalition   [Editor’s Note: Greenpeace is yet another phony environmental group corrupted by corporatist grifters who demand it sign onto the climate scam and help drive billions their way.] Since 2016, when acoustic sonar surveys required


Imperialism Given New Birth by Climate Elites and Grifters

Imperialism Given New Birth by Climate Elites and Grifters Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: The climate con being foisted on the poor, the middle class and the third world is a new form of imperialism with haughty elitist John Kerry leading the charge.] Last October, the U.S. climate envoy


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 4, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 4, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; roughneck talents, a cold January, yet another dead whale, sulfur seeding ESG and a


Food Supply Grows with CO2, But Food Security?

Food Supply Grows with CO2 But Food Security? Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Climate change is no threat to our food supply (CO2 speeds plant growth) but those who hate natural gas and seek to destroy it in the name of climate change are.] Countries all over the world


Rhinos Gallop, Bison Charge; Despite Phony Climate Scares

Rhinos Gallop, Bison Charge; Despite Phony Climate Scares Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: No, climate change is not wiping out rhinos, bison or any other species. The bison and the rhino are doing just fine thanks to good old-fashioned conservation.] Two beasts, which are thousands of miles apart, are


Green Energy Infatuation Puts Millions at Risk of Death

Green Energy Infatuation Puts Millions at Risk of Death Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Green energy scams are about money and power for elites as those infatuated with the idea and acting out as corporatist shills put millions at risk of death.] An Arctic bomb cyclone dropped a sudden


Grinches Are the Face of the Miserable Climate Cult

Grinches Are the Face of the Miserable Climate Cult Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Grinches abound on the left and especially among climate cultists who aren’t happy unless they’re killing joy and demanding we all share in the misery they love.] The dictionary definition of grinch is a grumpy


All-the-Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics

All-the Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics Dr. Indur Goklany Member, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: This wonderful post addresses a human weakness; that we tend to compromise to save political face when we shouldn’t. “All-the Above” is simply ignorant energy policy.] The Net Zero energy policy pursued by the current administration


Republicans Need to Learn How to “Just Say No”

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Republicans, who never met a battle they didn’t know how to lose, are trying to have it both ways on energy. It won’t work. Truth is the


COP27 Climate Gabfest A Scam…Says Greta Thunberg!

COP27 Climate Gabfest A Scam…Says Greta Thunberg! Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: No less an authority than Greta Thunberg, who recently admitted climate is all about socialism for her, has pronounced that COP27 is just a giant scam.] Last week, Greta Thunberg called the COP27 climate meeting a “scam”


CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life

CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: The CO2 Coalition is fighting against a tide of misinformation about the role of carbon dioxide in our world. It is nothing less than absolutely essential.] Nearly all life requires


CO2 Emissions Are Killing the Planet and Other Big Lies

CO2 Emissions Are Killing the Planet and Other Big Lies Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Few lies are bigger than the claim that CO2 emissions are killing Planet Earth. It is precisely the opposite and only those who profit off the lie believe it.] Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are


UK Knows the Way Out of the European Energy Debacle

UK Knows the Way Out of the European Energy Debacle Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: The United Kingdom, under new leadership, is showing the EU folks what they ought to be doing about the energy debacle they’ve created. The UK shows the way!] At least one developed economy is


Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be!

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Just Reliable: They’re Green As Could Be Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Green energy policies forcing the replacement of fossil fuels with solar panels and wind towers are counterproductive and make fossil fuels the greenest energy.] A 35-year veteran


Renewable Energy Obsession Leading to Energy Rationing!

Renewable Energy Obsession Leading to Energy Rationing Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy being compulsively imposed on us by corporatists, ideologues and special interests without concern for impacts is yielding energy rationing.] Whether it’s a hot Colorado summer or a cold United Kingdom winter, the misery of “green”