CO2 Coalition

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy

Shapiro Rashly Bets Pennsylvanian Future on Dicey Energy Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: There’s nothing more dicey at the moment than green energy, which is failing everywhere, but Josh Shapiro is willing to bet Pennsylvania’s future on fantasies.] Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has asked regional power grid operators to


Montana Judge Goes Childish on Climate!

Montana Judge Goes Childish on Climate! Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Another sign of Western Civilization’s collapse is the childish Montana judge who bought into the arguments of kids repeating lies told them by adult exploiters.] A group of young people in


Hawaii Fires Are No Excuse for Climate Emergency Power Play

Hawaii Fires Are No Excuse for Climate Emergency Power Play James Steele Biologist and Member of CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: The Hawaii fires that have caused so distress are already being blamed on global warming and used as a climate emergency power play, but facts say otherwise.] The Maui fire would have


Media Fearmongering Over Climate Is Outrageous

Media Fearmongering Over Climate Is Outrageous Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Our media is hyping weather events to fear-monger over climate and it’s both outrageous and irresponsible, little more than a corporatist con game game.] In an era of sensationalism and clickbait headlines, the media’s portrayal of hot weather


Warming Hyperbole Is the Order of the Day from Media

Warming Hyperbole Is the Order of the Day from Media Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Global warming hyperbole is delivered by the media with the intention that it completely smother all contrary facts and opinions.] There is not much new about media hyperbole in weather reporting, but July’s climate


France Shows Climate Change Politics Are But An Obvious Scam

France Show Climate Change Politics Are But An Obvious Scam Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: France is all about virtue signaling. Commoners are told they can’t take short flights but corporatist Airbus is cheered for securing a huge Indian plane order.] Indian low-cost carrier IndiGo recently made headlines with


Mexico Gives An Appropriate Heisman to Renewables

Mexico Gives An Appropriate Heisman to Renewables Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Mexico, though a socialist country, is taking a pragmatic approach with energy, putting emphasis on oil and natural gas while giving the Heisman to renewables.] Despite intense news coverage of issues surrounding the U.S. southern border, it


New Delhi Experiences Coldest Weather in 122 Years!

New Delhi Experiences Coldest Weather in 122 Years! Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: New Delhi just set a 122 year record for cold temperature, a fact being ignored by climate hustlers and ideologues, not to mention a hopelessly ignorant press.] On May 4, India’s capital of New Delhi recorded


Science Education Now About Squelching Science?

Science Education Now About Squelching Science? Dr. Sharon Camp Analytical Chemist and Educator, Senior Education Advisor, CO2 Coalition … [Editor’s Note: How did science education become about adopting politically correct opinions and squelching real science where continuous questioning is always the rule?] Never have I been so inspired upon being removed from a venue. Actually, as


Scientific Societies: Are They Selling Their Souls?

Scientific Societies: Are They Selling Their Souls? Wallace Manheimer Fellow, American Physical Society Member, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: The American Physical Society and other scientific societies are selling out to gain political street cred, trading reputations for acceptance among elites.] Statements of scientific societies are often used to justify extreme measures for dealing


Clouds Are Tricksters When It Comes to Climate Models

Clouds Are Tricksters When It Comes to Climate Models Ronald Barmby Professional Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, CO2 Coalition Member Author of “Sunlight on Climate Change“ ..   … [Editor’s Note: Clouds are very poorly understood and make a mockery of many of the climate models used as a premise for arbitrary and phony 1.5 degree global warming targets.]


The Police State Is Here and “Governed” by Joe Biden

Police State Is Here and Governed by Joe Biden Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Biden, the compromised plagiarist who Obama said could muck up anything, is now in titular charge of a police state once known as the land of the free and brave. Western Civilization is collapsing at an ever increasing


Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid!

Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Our guest blogger, Gordon Tomb, recently gave an excellent presentation to the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association and the full text follows.] First, I want to say how glad I am to be in


Science Isn’t Consensus and Consensus Isn’t Science

Science Isn’t Consensus and Consensus Isn’t Science Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: What is science? Well, it surely isn’t consensus. Indeed, as Chricton noted, the greatest scientists are always those who broke with the prevailing consensus!] The science teachers’ bureaucracy is driving


CO2 Reality vs. Narratives and Coverups on Social Media

CO2 Reality vs. Narratives and Coverups on Social Media Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director – CO2 Coalition Geologist and Author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Social and other media companies have merged with government to create a police state where only approved CO2 narratives are permitted and free speech is out!] To no