climate cultists

Maui Fires Show the Very Real Danger of Climate Corporatism

Maui Fires Show the Very Real Danger of Climate Corporatism Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: The Maui fires offer a teachable moment about the extreme danger of extreme climate policies intended to force use of fiat fuels to feed


Green Breakdown: The Big Green Failure Is Already Happening!

Green Breakdown: The Big Green Failure Is Already Happening! Steve Goreham Author, Speaker and Environmental Researcher … … [Editor’s Note: Steve Goreham asks the tough questions. The lack of good answers reveals the “Green Breakdown” that is already happening as green energy puts us all in the red. Can wind, solar, and batteries replace the hydrocarbon


Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs?

Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs? David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: As hard as it to believe, the completely debunked Club of Rome report from a half-century ago is being cited by today’s gentry who seek to control all of us.] I have written for


Birol Bloviates and Gaslights to Perpetuate Green Lies

Birol Bloviates and Gaslights to Perpetuate Green Lies David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Fatih Birol is the chief propagandist for the International Energy Agency which is telling tall tales to promote green eggs and scam under the cover of climate. Speaking to the Columbia Global Energy Summit in


Scotland Says Climate Political Correctness Trumps Us All

Scotland Says Climate Political Correctness Trumps Us All David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Scotland today would reject Braveheart and tell him to just keep his head down and go along, as its cowardly submission to climate political correctness so vividly shows us. My fellow traveler on The Energy


Greatest Wealth Transfer Ever (to the Rich) Now Underway!

Greatest Wealth Transfer Ever (to the Rich) Now Underway! Steve Goreham Author, Speaker and Environmental Researcher … … [Editor’s Note: The climate con is producing the greatest wealth transfer in human history and it’s from the poor and middle classes to the already filthy rich who want more. We are in the midst of history’s greatest


Rationing Is the Tactic: Control Is the End Game

Rationing Is the Tactic: Control Is the End Game David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Climate cultists are increasingly speaking truths and telling us exactly what they’re all about—control of us—and they’re asking for rationing as their tactic. As is always the case with the denizens of the radical


Manchin Turns Out to Be A Spoiled Little Munchkin After All

Manchin Turns Out to Be A Spoiled Little Munchkin After All Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Joe Manchin has revealed himself as just another Democrat willing to sell out his state for a meaningless “will get ’em later” promise from fellow Democrats.] U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, in


Vanguard Group Out to Lay Foundation for More Green Grifting

Vanguard Group Out to Lay Foundation for More Green Grifting Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: The Vanguard Group is the appropriate target of some FERC questioning of its motives, which appear to be lay a foundation for utility control and future grift.] The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s


Methane Emissions Create Yet Another Green Grifting Opportunity

Methane Emissions Yield Yet More Green Grifting Grab Bags  Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Methane emissions are now the excuse for yet another example green grifting as the corrupt global warming enterprise spreads like a cancer through civil society.] As we point out in a companion story


Free Speech Is for Us, Not You, Say Climate Cultists

Free Speech Is for Us, Not You, Say Climate Cultists Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Free speech is the oxygen keeping alive a sickly Western Civilization but elitists and their allies among climate cultists and the left want to cancel it] There is a very dangerous thing


Ethanol Mandates Resulting in Crazy Unintended Consequences

Ethanol Mandates Resulting in Crazy Unintended Consequences Gregory Wrightstone Geologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” ..   … [Editor’s Note: Ethanol mandates are among the dumbest things trendy governments have ever done and the chickens of unintended consequences are now coming home to roost.] Expanded use of ethanol — enabled by President Biden’s lifting a