Chines Communist Party

The NRDC Gang Is Funding Shapiro and Doing China’s Dirty Work

NRDC Gang Funding Shapiro and Doing China Dirty Work Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  The NRDC Gang, a Rockefeller family creation, is, as we pointed out four years ago, enmeshed with Communist China and is also throwing money at Josh Shapiro. The New York Post recently ran an expose with respect to


China Compromised, Biden Sells Out Land of the Free!

China Compromised, Biden Sells Out Land of the Free! Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: The Biden family is compromised by its deals with China and, by extension, the Chinese Communist Party. He’s sold out what’s left of the land of the free.] Presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to reunite America