Chevron Runs Special Turbine on 60% Hydrogen to 40% NatGas Mix

As you know, the Biden-Harris administration has been a big promoter of hydrogen energy, even though (a) it’s expensive to produce and (b) there are no customers (currently) who want more supplies of it. Because hydrogen is “clean” energy, the left is pushing it as energy nirvana. (Most leftists alive today don’t know what the…


Environmental Partnership Report Demonstrates Continued Emissions Reductions, Even With Record Oil and Natural Gas Production

Oil and natural gas producers continue to make emissions reduction advancements, including reducing flare intensity despite record production, according to the Environmental Partnership’s latest annual report. The Environmental Partnership (TEP) is a voluntary coalition representing nearly 70 percent of U.S. onshore oil and natural gas production in 47 out of 50 states, with the mission


Anti Lawyer Will Get to Question Chevron Execs in Pa. PFAS Case

A Washington County, PA, man and his anti-fossil fuel lawyer have won the right to force Chevron executives to testify in court in a case where the man accuses Chevron of using PFAS (“forever chemicals”) in fracking fluids in 2011-2012 near his home. He alleges the chemicals spread to his water well and damaged his…


Big Oil Asks U.S. Supremes to Shut Down Lawsuits re Global Warming

A coalition of major oil companies is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a key aspect of numerous ongoing nationwide lawsuits filed by cities, counties, and states. The lawsuits by multiple “blue” states and cities accuse Big Oil companies of deceiving the public about their role in causing mythical manmade global warming. The…


NAPE Speakers Say Carbon Capture & Sequestration a Risky Business

Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is coming on strong everywhere, including the Marcellus/Utica. Two days ago, we told you that Tenaska is looking to lease 80,000 acres in the M-U for CCS (see Landmen Knocking Doors in PA, OH, WV to Sign for CCS, Pore Rights). We also told you about a Marcellus driller, BKV,…


Another Powerhouse Merger: Chevron Buying Hess for $53 Billion

Not even a full two weeks ago, MDN brought you the news that Exxon Mobil, the #5 oil producer in the Permian Basin, is buying Pioneer Natural Resources, the #1 oil producer in the Permian, in an all-stock deal valued at $59.5 billion, plus assuming $5 billion in debt, for a total deal value of…


EHB to Review DEP Finding of No PFAS Contamination by Chevron Well

Last November, MDN told you about a lawsuit filed by a family in Washington County, PA, against Chevron (now EQT) for drilling and fracking done in 2011-2012 near the family’s home (see PA Lawsuit Blames Chevron Fracking for PFAS Chemicals in Water Well). The lawsuit alleges Chevron used PFAS or “forever chemicals” in the fracking…


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 11, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 11, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; a warming Antarctica, back in fashion oil and the EV mineral crisis. Look for


BP Admits European Green Energy Policies Are, Well, Loony

BP Admits European Green Energy Policies Are, Well, Loony David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: BP has been all on-board with loony European energy policies. It has had a bad case of Energiewende envy, but now a CEO ironically named Looney, is backing off. The Wall Street Journal reported


Senate Democrats Attack Big Oil Again, Propose Huge New Taxes

What can we say? Once again, the Democrat Party is trying to demonize fossil fuels and is going after “Big… Continue reading The post Senate Democrats Attack Big Oil Again, Propose Huge New Taxes first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian

New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … The Permian Basin has made New Mexico the nation’s second largest oil producer and Coterra’s Bill desRosiers reports on the remarkable growth and success. The annual Carlsbad Mayor’s Energy Summit, held October


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 15, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 15, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; Chevron leads, Jamie explodes with truth and UK reverses on fracking. Look for these stories


Biden Speaks As We All Look for the Red Panic Button!

Biden Speaks As We All Look for the Red Panic Button! Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: When Joe Biden speaks, it’s hard to listen in the sense of paying attention, yet we are forced to hear, as if we just accidentally hit our car’s panic button.] Listening to President Biden speaking about