Chester County

Judge Tosses Chester DA Charges Against ME2 Security Worker

Last August we told you about the politically-motivated prosecution (by the Chester County, PA District Attorney’s office) of two men connected to a security firm providing off-duty constables to protect Mariner East 2 (ME2) pipeline construction sites (see Chester DA Persecution of Off-Duty Constables Guarding ME2 Pipe). A Chester County judge has just completely tossed the


PA DEP Approves Mariner East 2 Pipe Changes in 3 SEPA Locations

Yesterday the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued modified permits for the Mariner East 2 pipeline project in three southeast PA locations (Delaware and Chester counties). Each location has faced problems with underground horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The modifications allow a different type of installation method to be used–open trench.This post appeared first on


Chester DA Charges Against ME Pipe Security Chief Tossed by Judge

Former Chester County, PA District Attorney Tom Hogan (RINO), and his successor Deb Ryan (Democrat) are 100% humiliated after a Chester County Magisterial District Judge dismissed the entire case against the local head of security for Energy Transfer in what the DA’s office lyingly calls a “buy a badge scheme.” Judge John Bailey dismissed all


Chester County Commissioners Fail in Effort to Stop Mariner East

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court has rejected a Chester County Commissioners request for an injunction to halt completion of the Mariner East pipeline. Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court has ruled against Chester County Commissioners and their attempt to secure an injunction to stop construction of the Mariner East pipeline project. The petition


PA Sen. Dinniman Takes Credit for Green Projects Funded by Shale

In 2012, Pennsylvania State Senator Andy Dinniman, Democrat from Chester County, PA (near Philadelphia) voted against passage of the Act 13 law that created the impact “fee” (actually a tax) on Marcellus Shale drillers in the state. Yet earlier this week Dinniman issued a press release to tout $740,000 in new grants for “green” projects


Philly Dem Senator Loses Bid to Shut Down ME Pipelines

PA State Senator Andy Dinniman In April 2018, a Chester County, PA (Philadelphia area) Democrat State Senator by the name of Andy Dinniman (who we think looks like Tony Soprano) filed a formal, legal complaint with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), asking the PUC to shut down and keep closed all of the Mariner


Dear Mr. Dinniman; You’re Full of It When It Comes to Pipeline Safety

Nicholas Romano Chester County Landowner … … Chester County resident Nick Romano challenges Senator Andy Dinniman’s pipeline safety assertions pointing out they’re short on facts and long on hyperbole. Back in November and March I wrote two letters to Senator Dinniman challenging his demagoguery on the subject of pipeline safety. They were, of course, to


Sunoco Buys Out 2 Homes Near Chester County ME2 Sinkholes

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. In the end, it was the right thing to do. Word has leaked out and is now being trumpeted by anti-pipeline “news” outlets (like PBS’ StateImpact Pennsylvania) that Sunoco (i.e. Energy Transfer)


So, What Exactly Was This Mariner East Meeting About? Politics?

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Chester and Delaware County politicians held a Mariner East meeting the other day, the only purpose of which seems to have been enhancing their resumes. Several Southeastern Pennsylvania legislators convened a town hall meeting Wednesday night to ensure residents know how to protect their homes and property during


Sunoco Settles Out of Court re ME2 Class Action Lawsuit

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. A lawsuit that began life a year ago, in March 2018, has finally been settled between suburbanite landowners near Philadelphia and Sunoco Logistics Partners over construction activities related to the Mariner East