carbon taxes

European Union Opts for Civilizational Suicide

European Union Opts for Civilizational Suicide … … The unaffected elites of the European Union, already sworn to replace its population with Mideast immigrants, have now decided to force economic suicide, too. The countries in the European Union approved major changes to the region’s carbon trading scheme and emissions laws, making industrial carbon emissions more


Greatest Wealth Transfer Ever (to the Rich) Now Underway!

Greatest Wealth Transfer Ever (to the Rich) Now Underway! Steve Goreham Author, Speaker and Environmental Researcher … … [Editor’s Note: The climate con is producing the greatest wealth transfer in human history and it’s from the poor and middle classes to the already filthy rich who want more. We are in the midst of history’s greatest


Rationing Is the Tactic: Control Is the End Game

Rationing Is the Tactic: Control Is the End Game David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Climate cultists are increasingly speaking truths and telling us exactly what they’re all about—control of us—and they’re asking for rationing as their tactic. As is always the case with the denizens of the radical


Climate Change Political Correctness Is Dead End Appeasement

climate change Kevin MooneyThe Commonwealth Foundation … . [Editor’s Note: Kevin Mooney suggests climate change capitulation seems to be the current policy of oil and gas majors and is completely self-defeating; a dead-end policy that will achieve zilch.] ExxonMobil has not backed away from its commitment to carbon taxes contrary to what media reports built


Carbon Tax? No, Absolutely Not, Not Without Representation!

Kevin MooneyThe Commonwealth Foundation … . [Editor’s Note: The following post comes, via permission from the author and our good friend, Kevin Mooney, who writes for The Commonwealth Foundation at PaTownHall.] After vetoing a bill that would have prohibited him from compelling state residents to pay hundreds of millions of dollars annually in carbon taxes