Carbon emissions

Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Is Wildly Expensive and Wholly Stupid

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, a puppet being manipulated by the worst sort of special interests, is pushing an offshore wind fiasco that will accomplish nothing.] Joe Biden has a plan to reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions in the generating sector. It includes the installation of 30,000 megawatts of new offshore wind capacity


Earth Day Is A Reason to Celebrate Today, Not Whine!

Alexander StevensPolicy AnalystInstitute for Energy Research …. … … [Editor’s Note: Earth Day should be a celebration of progress, innovation, markets and growth, not a whiny attack on all of it, as too many would have it.] Despite repeated pronouncements and predictions of doom and gloom by environmentalists, there are a lot of reasons to


Natural Gas Industry Notes Its Product Is the Solution, Not the Problem

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Natural gas industry executives attending a global warming confab tell attendees natural gas is the solution, not the problem. Our friend and guest blogger, Mark Dye, has long been of the mind that the natural gas industry has been asleep at the switch in not aggressively pointing out


Renewable Energy Is No Friend of Trade Union Jobs

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Renewable energy fantasies are destroying good-paying union jobs without accomplishing much of anything for the environment.] President Biden has declared climate change the nation’s greatest challenge and is supporting policies that could cost thousands of good-paying union jobs that will not be easily replaced with renewable energy. To


Paris Climate Agreement Being Rejoined to Detriment of United States

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: The Paris Climate Agreement is a virtue signaling exercise wrapped in anti-Americanism and global corporatism, so we rejoined, of course.] Former President Trump withdrew the United States officially from the Paris Climate Agreement on November 4, 2020, having claimed in 2017 it would cost the country $3 trillion in


Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fell 7% Globally in 2020

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Global carbon dioxide emissions declined 7% globally last year and it wasn’t just COVID. So, why the panic and why is China going fossil?] Due mainly to the lockdowns from the coronavirus pandemic, carbon dioxide emissions are estimated to have declined by 7 percent globally in 2020, while U.S. carbon


China Is the Threat But Our Media and Politicians Have Been Bought

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: China threatens our security and environment but has bought off big business, big tech, media and our political establishment.] China is not only building coal-fired plants in its own country, but it is also building them around the world. As of 2019, China had 2,363 active coal-fired power plants and was building another


Carbon Dioxide Emissions Related to Energy Fall in US But Rise in China

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: The U.S. is actually reducing CO2 emissions related to energy as China goes precisely in the opposite direction with increases.] According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions fell in 2019 by 2.6 percent (150 million metric tons). EIA attributes nearly all (96 percent) of this


New York Times Climate Hype Isn’t Helping But Natural Gas Does

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  The New York Times has turned into a demagogic trash newspaper peddling outright hype about climate while ignoring the benefits of natural gas. The New York Times writes for those who wish certain things to be true and has been reliably wrong on so much. Who can forget


Entergy sets net-zero carbon goal by 2050

Entergy Corp. has announced that is accelerating its climate action goals with a plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, Kallanish Energy reports. The Louisiana-based utility also reaffirmed its commitments to grid reliability and affordability for customers. That new goal is “another major step forward,” said Leo Denault, Entergy’s chairman of the board and


China Lies and Pursues Coal Strategy As Naive Enviros Buy the Hype

 ... … … [Editor Comment: China is lying yet again as it pretends to be a climate warrior while pursing a coal and green deception strategy to gain ascendancy.] At the September 22nd United Nations meeting, China committed to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and to be carbon neutral before 2060. However, pledges are


UK renewable use soars during Q2: Drax

The use of renewables for electricity generation rose 32% year-on-year during second quarter according to a new report, Kallanish Energy reports. The Drax Electrical Insights Q2 report, published on Monday by UK power generator Drax and compiled from analysis by Imperial Consultants, found that the share of renewables in the UK energy mix increased to


Joe Biden, You’re Not Going to Win Pennsylvania This Way

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Joe Biden is in a political vise; squeezed by radical greens on the one side and labor on the other. He can’t win Pennsylvania without the latter, though. Joe Biden will be the Democrat nominee for President this year, but can he win Pennsylvania in November? That’s unclear.


Carbon Emissions Flattening Out Globally, Thanks to Our Fracking

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Carbon emissions have failed to grow, despite significant growth in the global economy. Natural gas, that is fracking, here in the U.S. was a huge help. The International Energy Agency is out with a new report demonstrating it is the growth in our natural gas use, brought about


U.S. Petroleum Exports Exceed Imports for the First Time Ever

For the first time in history, the U.S exported more petroleum products to overseas markets than it imported in October, according to the Energy Information Administration’s recently-released “Short-Term Energy Outlook” It represents an historic shift as the United States solidifies its role as an oil and natural gas powerhouse that’s able to provide for its