California Energy Crisis

California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense

California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense  ...… … [Editor’s Note: California wants to be a climate-centric politically correct role model but, in fact, is a poster child for net-zero nonsense that is a non-starter for citizens.] Californian regulators approved a plan to reduce the state’s carbon-dioxide emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by


Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game

Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Coal is the winner in the Green New Deal sweepstakes because politicians have bought into the global warming grifting scam, which has destroyed energy security.] Politicians and environmentalists claim an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in


So, You’re Saying No Electricity for My Electric Vehicle?

electricity electric vehicles … …[Editor’s Note: There may not be enough electricity for my electric vehicle? Who knew? Well, everyone with an ounce of common sense saw this coming and that’s the point.] Gone are the days when you can use electricity as you want and when you want, at least if you live in


Newsom Fracking and Oil Ban Will Make California Ever Less Self-Reliant

germany … …[Editor’s Note: There are so, so many awful governors with no moral compass other than political correctness and control. Gavin Newsom is among the worst.] California Governor Gavin Newsom recently ordered state agencies to stop issuing new fracking permits by 2024 and to look for ways to phase out oil extraction by 2045, despite his


Germany Energy Taxes to Go Green with Energiewende Lead It to Go Bust

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Germany energy solutions now being pursued by Biden, California, New York, New Jersey, et al have proven to be disasters on every level.] Germany’s scathing audit report on renewable energy makes readers aware that its Energiewende—the mandated transition to renewable energy—was and continues to be expensive, making the country’s residential electricity prices


Renewable Energy Model Isn’t Working, But Biden Wants to Double Down

 ... … … [Editor Comment: California demonstrates the foolishness of the all renewable energy model and New York is going down the same road and Biden wants more.] California set its first renewable portfolio standard in 2002 and currently requires 60 percent of its generation to come from renewable energy by 2030 with the next 40 percent