Bradford County

Northeast PA Rail Yard Expanding to Handle More Miss. Frac Sand

Frac sand Good news for drillers in the Marcellus/Utica: You’re about to have access to even more frac sand than before. In May 2018 Shale Support Global Holdings signed a deal to become the exclusive provider of frac sand to the Shale Rail terminal located in Wysox (Bradford County), PA (see Shale Support Exclusive Frac


Eurkea Gets $1.5M Grant to Expand Lithium from Wastewater PA Plant

Eureka Resources, which owns and operates a centralized treatment/recycling facility in Bradford County, PA to process Marcellus watewater, is getting a $1.5 million state Redevelopment Assistance Capital Projects grant to help the plant launch a high tech solution to recover lithium from Marcellus wastewater. Yes, lithium, like that used to manufacture rechargeable batteries. This post


Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Gets Ready to Extract Lithium

Left to Right: Preston McEachern CEO PurLucid, Chris Frantz VP Business Development Eureka, Dan Ertel CEO Eureka, and Jared Lazerson CEO MGX (click for larger version) In March, MDN brought you the news that Eureka Resources, which owns and operates three centralized treatment/recycling facilities that process flowback/produced waters (i.e. wastewater) from the Marcellus Shale, announced


PA Invests $2.8M to Extend NatGas Pipeline Service in 3 Counties

Pennsylvania’s Pipeline Investment Program (or PIPE) grants cover part of the cost of building new natgas pipelines to connect homes and businesses in rural parts of the state to homegrown Marcellus Shale gas supplies. We’ve written about many of the more-than-a-dozen (so far) PIPE grant projects in the past (see our PIPE stories here). Another


Work Continues to Clear Site for NEPA Landlocked LNG Export Plant

New Fortress Energy is in the process of building the first (of two or more) LNG liquefying plants in Wyalusing, PA–nowhere near a shoreline. The company will truck (eventually rail) the LNG to a port located on the Delaware River along the New Jersey shoreline for export to Puerto Rico and other destinations. As we


Extremist Extinction Rebellion Group Deserves Extinction

Johnny WilliamsBradford County Writer   Johnny Williams digs into a wacky group known as Extinction Rebellion that can’t seem to face the truth: that natural gas lowers carbon emissions. While I anxiously await the breaking of the icy death grip that the cold fingers of Winter has wrapped around Bradford County, I’m left with a


Another $3M in PA Grants to Fund 3 Local Marcellus Pipelines

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Another $3 million in taxpayer-funded grants have just been handed out to three different local pipeline projects under Pennsylvania’s Pipeline Investment Program, or PIPE. Two of the projects are in northeastern PA,