Boris Johnson

Europe Leadership Still Virtue Signaling As Citizens Suffer

Europe Leadership Still Virtue Signaling As Citizens Suffer Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: We all told you so, many times. Europe is the canary in the coal mine. It’s telling us climate virtue signaling at the expense of the citizenry (e.g., California, New York) yields disaster.] There is being


Net Zero Shenanigans in the UK Offer Lessons for New York

Net Zero Shenanigans in the UK Offer Lessons for New York Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Net zero is often just net nuttiness as UK energy policy shows us, but there are reasonable things that could be done there and in


Political Correctness Ain’t Cheap, as Europe Is Learning

political correctness Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Political correctness is a breeze at the outset but extremely costly in the end, as Europe is learning the hard way. Green energy has become a fool’s errand. Political correctness is conformance to the desires, mores and whims of those who imagine they get to set


Electric Vehicle Mandate in UK Really About Controlling All of Us

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: Boris Johnson has banned fracking and aims to force Brits into the electric vehicle they can’t afford, which means pushing them into cities.] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson banned the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2030 in order to accomplish his carbon-free mandate by 2050. A recent study,