attorney general

Shapiro Would Be A Fracking Nightmare for Pennsylvania!

Shapiro Is A Fracking Nightmare for Pennsylvania! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro is just another leftist wedded to the global warming scam and intent on destroying the very industry that has saved Pennsylvania from becoming NY.] There is no question that Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh


Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It?

Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It? Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro has sold out to elitists who want to ride the corrupt global warming scam into a land of more power and more riches at the expense of workers.]


Shapiro Seeks to Criminalize As He Politicizes Mariner East

Shapiro Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Josh Shapiro is running for Pennsylvania Governor so he has decided to grab some headlines by criminalizing construction issues with respect to the Mariner East. There ought to be a law that prosecutors can’t run for political office, at least not outside their field. Whenever an attorney


Bloomberg Program Obfuscates Its Influence Over State Attorneys General

Why do attorney general offices no longer tout their association with billionaire environmentalist Michael Bloomberg and the environmental law center he created at New York University (NYU)? Has this program, the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center (SEEIC), which has placed “Special Assistant Attorneys General” in eight state attorney general offices to push Bloomberg’s political


Massachusetts and New York AGs Renew Old Tactics In Another Attempt to Avoid Transparency

State attorney general offices in Massachusetts and New York are continuing a worrisome trend of refusing to release their communications with environmental activists to the public. In Massachusetts, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is refusing to release its correspondence with Matthew Pawa and Naomi Oreskes—two high-profile activists who have been advocating for climate