Atlantic City

Offshore Wind Projects Violate Marine Mammal Protection Act?

 Offshore Wind Projects Violate Marine Mammal Protection Act? David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: The offshore wind debacle continues as government ignores project developers who may well be violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act and killing whales.] New evidence says that offshore wind sonar surveys may have committed


Wind Debacles Drive Northeast Blowhards to Beg Biden

Wind Debacles Drive Northeast Blowhards to Beg Biden David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: Six blowhard governors from the Northeast who are stuck with offshore wind debacles are begging Joe Biden for our money to rescue themselves from their bragging.] Six Atlantic shore Governors are begging the Feds


Offshore Wind: The Boondoggle with All Pain, No Gain!

Offshore Wind: The Boondoggle with All Pain, No Gain! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: New Jersey, obsessed with an offshore wind energy fantasy is embarking on hugely expensive experiment that is unlikely to reduce any greenhouse gas emissions.] There is a common assumption that offshore wind electricity


NOaa Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters!

NOAA Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is, under Joe Biden prioritizing Big Green grifters and off-shore wind boondoggles over sea mammals.] “Damn the whales, full speed ahead” seems to be the offshore