Army Corps of Engineers

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again!

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again! … … [Editor’s Note: Is there nothing Joe Biden will not to do to please his masters in China? His pay-to-play schemes and subservience to China are, sadly, haunting us all now.] The Biden administration killed another domestic mining project in the largest copper and nickel find


Forest Service Shows Precisely How We Are Losing America

Forest Service Shows Precisely How We Are Losing America Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: The shrill voices of a few extremists, enabled by corporatists, have successfully intimidated agencies such as the Forest Service and destroyed our rule of law, undermining America as we know it.] On Dec.


DAPL Case Is A Matter of the Rule of Law and Nothing Less

Nicholas Romano Chester County Landowner … … [Editor’s Note: Nick Romano makes the DAPL case clear; it is a matter of whether the rule of law still applies, doesn’t or only applies to the favored few.] Seeking Alpha says “Energy Transfer plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in its ongoing legal battle to