Renewable Energy Propaganda from CNBC Fails Smell Test!

Renewable Energy Propaganda from CNBC Fails Smell Test! David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: CNBC is hardly a reliable truth teller but, as David Blackmon notes, its story this week on renewable energy offers more distortions than a fun house mirror. It would take a good 5,000 words to


Appalachia First: A Bold, Positive Vision for the Region!

Appalachia First: A Bold, Positive Vision for the Region! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Nick DeIuliis at CNX Resources launches Appalachia First and explains how natural gas is a catalyst, not a bridge, fuel for bringing new life to an old region. Appalachia First is a bold new initiative being launched by