State of American Energy 2025: Secure American Energy Leadership

Unleashing America’s dominant natural resources, ensuring energy security through LNG exports, and protecting consumer choice through revised tailpipe rules were all central themes of the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) “State of American Energy 2025” event Tuesday. While industry leaders had little debate that the Biden Administration’s many efforts seeking to limit the oil and gas


Sens. Hickenlooper and Cassidy Make Bipartisan Call for Permitting Reform

Last week’s American Petroleum Institute “State of American Energy” program provided hope that a bipartisan approach to contentious energy development issues may have a path forward in Congress.   Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and John Hickenlooper (D-CO), both members of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, recently participated in an API panel earlier that covered


Bidenistas Plan to Destroy Oil and Gas Industry As API Dozes

Bidenistas Plan to Destroy Oil and Gas Industry As API Dozes Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: The Bidenistas controlling the movements of our puppet President aim to obliterate the oil and gas industry as the API tries making nice to its wannabe killers.] The Bidenistas on Wednesday


Industry Preparedness, Guarding of Energy Supplies, Critical

Industry Preparedness, Guarding of Energy Supplies, Critical George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: Our energy infrastructure is under constant threat and industry preparedness is critical to protecting our essential energy supplies from a variety of threats.] An unfortunate reality of guarding our nation’s infrastructure, including petroleum and natural gas and


American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia!

American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia! George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: The American oil and gas industry has joined hands to write Joe Biden and tell him to choose American energy development before begging the Saudis for their oil.] Twenty-seven natural gas and oil trade organizations from


Climate Change Political Correctness Is Dead End Appeasement

climate change Kevin MooneyThe Commonwealth Foundation … . [Editor’s Note: Kevin Mooney suggests climate change capitulation seems to be the current policy of oil and gas majors and is completely self-defeating; a dead-end policy that will achieve zilch.] ExxonMobil has not backed away from its commitment to carbon taxes contrary to what media reports built


Federal Leasing Ban Would Be Completely Counterproductive

George StarkDirector, External AffairsCabot Oil & Gas … .. [Editor’s Note: The proposed Federal leasing ban would be completely counterproductive both environmentally and economically.] In September 2020, the American Petroleum Institute (API) introduce a report addressing the impact of a ban on federal leasing in the United States. Their analysis explains the burdens that a leasing and development ban


Activists Convinced Minnesota Attorney General To File Climate Lawsuit

A Minnesota activist group completely blew the cover of the entire climate litigation campaign by acknowledging how closely private individuals and organizations have coordinated with state attorneys general to promote lawsuits against fossil fuel companies. For years, these activists have operated mostly in the shadows, attempting to shield their conversations and connections with government officials


The Ever Improving and Safer Natural Gas Industry

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  Fractivists grasp at everything to diss the natural gas industry, including safety, but it turns out the industry has an ever improving record on this score. Back in 2014, Scranton Times writer and king of snide, Chris Kelly, attacked the natural gas industry and everything and everyone connected to