
Natgas Customer Moratorium Killing Ithaca Suburb of Lansing, NY

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Hey Westchester County, NY: You have a model to look at for your own moratorium on (blocking of) new natural gas customers. It’s located upstate, in Lansing, NY, just outside of college


2 NY Dem Lawmakers Push Bill to Ban New Fossil Fuel Facilities

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Two Democrat New York State legislators, Senator Jen Metzger and Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, are floating parallel bills that would outright ban any new natural gas-fired electric plants or natural gas pipelines in


Opposition Mounts to Tiny Pipeline in Albany, NY Region

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The bright red line indicates the pipeline’s proposed route (click for larger version) On February 1, 2019, National Grid filed a petition with the New York Public Service Commission for a “Certificate


Lawsuit Challenging Georgia Pipeline Tossed by US Supremes

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Big Green groups continue to sue pipeline companies and their projects in an attempt to block any new pipeline anywhere from getting built–period. One of their favored angles of attack is to


PA Senate Democrats Hold Anti-Shale Crapfest in Pittsburgh

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Yesterday the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing in Pittsburgh, supposedly on strategies for combating mythical man-made global warming by reducing methane gas emissions. It reality it was an anti-shale


Anti-Fossil Fuel NC Dems Ask FERC to Cancel Atlantic Coast Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. A group of 22 anti-fossil fuel Democrat legislators from North Carolina’s Senate and House have sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) asking FERC to cancel Dominion Energy’s 600-mile


Big Green Kills 1000s of WV Jobs via Atlantic Coast Pipe Lawsuit

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Groups like the Sierra Club are jobs killers. When was the last time you heard about a Big Green group actually creating new


Vermont Considers Banning All New Gas Pipelines, Infrastructure

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Must be something in the water in Vermont. They elect people to high office like crazy Bernie Sanders and Pat “leaky” Leahy. And now there is a serious effort to pass a


Here Come the “Bomb Trains” – Trump to Allow LNG by Rail

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. An overlooked aspect of yesterday’s Executive Order signed by President Trump will have an impact on natural gas by altering the way it’s transported. In addition to directing the federal EPA to


British Tabloid Smear Job on Mariner East Pipe Targets Gov. Wolf

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. We’re in the unusual position of defending Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, arguably the worst governor PA has had in a generation. But defend him (and his staff) we must, because the Wolf


Radicals Continue Tree Sitting >200 Days in SW VA to Protest MVP

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. We thought the tree sitting weirdos trying to illegally block construction of Equitrans’ Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) in Virginia had long returned to earth. But as we reported in early March, there


PA Anti Group Seeks to Block New NatGas Elec Plants with New Law

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The radical group Citizens for a Healthy Jessup is floating a plan to try and prevent any new Marcellus gas-fired electric plants from getting built in the Keystone State. Aided and abetted


Insanity Wins in Bristol, VT – Town Cancels Local NatGas Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. There’s no polite way to say this: The people of Bristol, Vermont are STUPID. The Bristol Selectboard, citing a pending lawsuit by rabid anti-fossil fuel nuts, recently voted to end a license


Massachusetts Still Trying to Block 2.1 Miles of Local Gas Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. There must be something in the water in New England. Today we told you about mass insanity in Bristol, Vermont, and now a story about a small community in nearby Massachusetts that