
National Whistleblower Center Launches Another Rat on O&G Campaign

The National Whistleblower Center (NWC), a partisan (Democrat) nonprofit group, last December launched what it calls a “Climate Corruption Campaign” to “enlist whistleblowers in the fight against fraud and other crimes in the three industry sectors responsible for the vast majority of the world’s carbon pollution: oil and gas, coal, and industrial logging” (see Blowing


Radical Greens Protest Clean NatGas Power Plant Project in NJ

Radical greens continue to agitate and protest against a tiny 140-megawatt natural gas-fired electric plant for NJ Transit in Kearny, NJ. A group of radical greens (along with leftist politicians they have coopted) will stage a “rally” this afternoon to try and pressure NJ’s lefty governor, Phil Murphy, into finding a way to block the


Mass. AG Loses Her Mind – Asks DPU to Study No NatGas Future

Massachusetts produces most (perhaps all) of its electricity from natural gas-fired power plants and some 3.5 million people in the state use it to heat their homes. And yet MA Attorney General Maura Healey (radical leftist Democrat), in what can only be described as a psychotic break, has demanded the state Dept. of Public Utilities


So-Called “Study” Links PA Fracking to Birth Defect in Horses

A new so-called “study” published in the journal Science of The Total Environment claims it has uncovered a link between fracking chemicals in farm water and a rare birth defect in horses. The researchers say this study “could” serve as a warning about fracking and human infant health. Is this it? Were we wrong for


Cornell U Capitulates to the Crazies; Divesting from Fossil Fuels

How enormously sad. The Cornell University Board of Trustees has just voted to economically harm the university and its scholarship fund by divesting from all “fossil fuels.” The board has capitulated to the crazies–those who insist on divestment because they believe in the religion of man-made global warming. If you don’t believe, you’re apostate. An


PA Democrat Party Civil War Over Frack Ban, Refinery, Petchem Bill

The Pennsylvania Democrat Party is about to get politically fracked–i.e., underground explosions that create large fractures, breaking it apart. Ironically, the Dems are getting fracked over fracking. As we have been reporting, all of the Democrat presidential candidates have signed on to either severely limit, or outright ban, hydraulic fracturing. Some of the more extreme


Court Finds Tony “the Tiger” Ingraffea Clawless and Toothless

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … …  Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court has found Tony “the Tiger” Ingraffea wasn’t a credible witness in a case ginned up by the Heinz Endowments. He’s clawless! Two and one-half years ago we ran a guest post from our buddy Jim Willis about how Heinz Endowments shills such as the Clean


Anti Group Loses Yet Another Penn Twp (PA) Frack Ban Case

A leftist anti-fossil group calling itself Protect PT, in Penn Township (Westmoreland County), PA, backed with big money from Big Green groups, continues to sue in an effort to block shale drilling in the township. And they keep losing their lawsuits. Protect PT has launched multiple challenges to a local Penn Township ordinance which allows Apex


Rhode Island Eco-Socialists Threaten State with NatGas Outages

Activists from the Providence Democratic Socialists of America and the George Wiley Center protested Nov. 2 in front of Gov. Gina Raimondo’s house. (Credit: Tim Faulkner/ecoRI News) Socialism is evil. It’s the same root political philosophy as Communism, leading to a society in which individual freedoms are stripped away–the very freedoms purchased at a high


Philly Pipe Protesters Go to Harrisburg, Picket Gov’s Empty Office

Credit: WITF Harrisburg (click for larger version) A small group of southeast Pennsylvania pipeline protesters drove themselves to Harrisburg on Wednesday (using fossil fuels to get there) to demand Gov. Tom Wolf put a halt to construction of the legally-permitted Mariner East 2 pipeline, and essentially shut down the operation of the entire Mariner East


Mass. Sens. Markey & Warren Intro Bill Blocking Weymouth Compressor

Talk about disingenuous political posturing by a couple of pompous windbags. Massachusetts’ two U.S. Senators, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren and Ed “Lackey” Markey have introduced a bill in Congress to block the construction of a single pipeline compressor station–slated to be built in Weymouth, Mass. They even made up a catchy name for their bill: the


PA Bills Would Hold Radical Pipeline Trespassers Accountable

We have an ongoing problem. Some of the more radical protesters in the “environmentalist” movement–those who tend toward anarchy–illegally enter work sites for pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure under construction, and block the work being done in an attempt to cost companies money. Typically they chain themselves to a piece of equipment with a


Big Green Groups Retract Opposition to PTT Ohio Cracker Air Permit

The Sierra Club, along with some lesser-known but equally radical enviro groups, filed a court challenge to an air quality permit granted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for the PTT Global Chemical ethane cracker plant project in Belmont County, OH back in January (see Radical Green Groups Appeal Ohio Cracker Plant Air Permit). Yesterday


Fed Court Tosses Claim New England Utilities Manipulated Gas Mkt

The radical Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) published a “report” (i.e. propaganda) in 2017 that made the preposterous claim that New England customers have overpaid utility bills by $3.6 billion due to collusion between the natural gas and electricity industries (see EDF Accuses New England Gas Utilities of $3.6B Market Manipulation). That false report led to


Mass. Regulator Blames Cuomo for Blocking Pipelines to New England

In what we would say is an unusual, very public rebuke of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the former chairperson of the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Utilities says that Cuomo is to blame for a near-emergency situation in New England during the winter of 2017/2018 when the region was within two days of a massive