
Clown Judges from 4th Circuit Put Another Hold on MVP Permit

This has been going on for more than a year. Mountain Valley Pipeline, a 303-mile pipeline from West Virginia to southern Virginia, has not been able to finish a project that is now 92% in the ground and complete because of repeated lawsuits by the Sierra Club and colluding leftist Democrat judges on the U.S.


Shale Energy the Biggest Loser Under Biden/Harris Administration

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been declared the victors of the election (prematurely) by the Democrat mainstream media. President Trump is rightly challenging massive voter fraud and “software glitches” in vote tabulating software used in 28 states (which you won’t read about in Democrat media). So it’s not over yet. However, let’s assume Biden/Harris


Biden Assault on O&G Begins – New Plan Cuts NatGas Use Nationwide

That didn’t take long. Following the Democrat media’s declaration Biden won (even though the election has not yet been certified), Biden released a new energy “transition” plan–this morning. In the plan, Biden calls for cutting natural gas usage nationwide by electrifying everything and eliminating all “non-carbon” power production. His minions are gushing about how Biden


PEDF Continues Effort to End Marc. Production on PA State Land

The radicalized Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation (PEDF) never gives up. In June 2017, the PEDF won a case at the PA Supreme Court by the skin of their teeth (see PA Supreme Court Hands Antis Partial Victory re State Land Drilling). The case dealt with the narrow issue of how PA can spend revenue raised


Sierra Club Files Another Lawsuit to Block MVP’s FWS Permit

The Sierra Club, backed with money from Russia (see Anti-American Sierra Club, NRDC Get Funding from Russia), has filed yet another lawsuit attempting to block construction of the final 8% of Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) by asking the courts to overturn the latest permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).This post appeared


EPA Asks DOJ to Investigate Green Groups $$ from Russia, China

Here’s something we didn’t know (to further depress us): It’s not against the law for American-based nonprofits to accept big contributions from foreign entities. It should be against the law, but it’s not. We previously told you that the Sierra Club and National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) are funded, in part, by Russia (see Anti-American


Massachusetts Antis Want Eversource to Block New Gas for Customers

There is no explaining lunatics like those belonging to the Columbia Gas Resistance Campaign in Springfield, Massachusetts who seek to block new and expanded delivery of natural gas to its customers. Following the disaster in September 2018 from a series of explosions that occurred in Columbia Gas’ local delivery pipelines north of Boston (see Local


Antis Organize “Nurdle Patrols” to Police Shell Cracker

A group of anti-fossil nutters who devoted themselves to blocking Marcellus/Utica drilling around the Ambridge Reservoir have turned their attention to the Shell ethane cracker plant in Beaver County. They wanted to stop the cracker from getting built, but given the plant is now 70% built and it’s a 100% guarantee it will get done


MVP Gets Another Permit, Still Waiting on FERC to Resume Constr.

Almost two weeks ago Equitrans Midstream sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requesting they be allowed to restart construction on the Mountain Valley Pipeline, construction which has been suspended since October 2019 (see Equitrans Asks FERC to Allow MVP Construction Restart This Week). So far FERC has not granted the request.


Appalachian Trail Conservancy Criticized for Accepting MVP $$

This one was easy to predict. Back in August we told you that the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project was attempting to buy some love from the radical anti-fossil left by donating $19.5 million to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to “conserve land along the Trail corridor and support outdoor recreation-based economies in Virginia and West


Another Big Green Research “Study” Smears PA Fracking

It’s like the coming and going of the four seasons (or two seasons if you live in Binghamton, NY, summer for two months, winter the rest of the time). On a regular schedule, anti-fossil fuel organizations fund “studies” that supposedly show links between fracking and harmful effects to humans who live near fracking. The latest


Antis Claim Clean-Burning Gas Plant Near NYC Kills Crows, Trees

You know anti-fossil fuelers are getting desperate when they make silly claims like a clean-burning natural gas power plant on the Hudson River (Orange County, NY) is killing crows and trees. One well known anti claims she witnessed the “sudden death” of 200 crows. And the trees in her backyard are “collapsing.” It’s all supposedly


Big Green Lawsuit Targets Cracker Plants, Incl. Shell PA Cracker

Shell cracker as of March 2020 Once again big money is being funneled to Big Green groups by secretive sources to finance a lawsuit attacking American infrastructure. The latest attack by Big Green, including a PA-based “environmental” group, seeks to overturn a recently-updated rule by the U.S. EPA governing air emissions from ethane cracker facilities.


Snitz Creek Sniping by StateImpactPA Is A Case of Shilling for Snobs

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Snitz Creek is falsely reported by StateImpactPA as the site of pollution problems related to Mariner East but it’s all a matter of shilling. We don’t know if StateImpactPA “reporters” are just sloppy in their reporting, or if they intentionally lie. Either way, it doesn’t look good for StateImpactPA. PBS reporter


Joe Biden Briefly Appears in Pittsburgh, Lies About No New Fracking

Joe Biden in Pittsburgh (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Joe Biden is not well, that much was obvious yesterday as he made a brief appearance in Pittsburgh to falsely claim he never said he would ban fracking, and to falsely claim President Trump is to blame for ongoing riots and crimes in Democrat-blue cities across the country