
The Left’s Plan to Strip American Freedom Using “Climate Change”

Forget about the great American road trip. You won’t be able to charge your electric vehicle quickly enough or (in some cases) at all. Prepare to have your views of the countryside ruined by solar panels and windmills on just about every available hill, mountain, and ridgeline. Oh yeah, and get used to being a


Biden Overwhelms O&G Industry with Relentless Attacks – Surprised?

It’s been an eventful (and not in a good way) week and a half since Joe Biden seized control of the White House. Or more properly, since the radicalized left took control and began ramming anti-fossil fuel Executive Orders down old senile Joe’s throat. He just keeps signing, admitting he doesn’t even know what’s he


Judge Tosses Chester DA Charges Against ME2 Security Worker

Last August we told you about the politically-motivated prosecution (by the Chester County, PA District Attorney’s office) of two men connected to a security firm providing off-duty constables to protect Mariner East 2 (ME2) pipeline construction sites (see Chester DA Persecution of Off-Duty Constables Guarding ME2 Pipe). A Chester County judge has just completely tossed the


Gov. Wolf Refuses to Block Plum, PA Wastewater Injection Well

Like 99% of Hail Mary passes, the effort by environmental radicals in southwestern PA to block a forthcoming shale wastewater injection well has failed. As we told you last week, a group of antis, in a desperate final attempt to block an injection well in Plum (Allegheny County), PA, threw a Hail Mary pass by


Antis Ask Gov. Wolf to Block PA DEP Permit for Plum Injection Well

Anti-fossil fuel zealots sent a letter to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf two days ago asking him to use dictatorial powers to overturn a permit issued by the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) that allows a wastewater injection well to be built in Penn Township. The radical group ProtectPT (funded by Heinz Endowments and Google’s former


Spoiled Kids Stage a “Die-in” at Connecticut Capitol re Gas Plant

(Credit: Hartford Courant/Kassi Jackson) Ever see a spoiled rotten child, say about two years old, who is told “NO” and proceeds to throw a temper tantrum and drop to the ground and lie there, not moving, pretending to be dead? That’s what the scene looked like yesterday in Hartford, Connecticut as a small group of


US Forest Service Issues Approval for MVP Thru Jefferson Forest

In mid-December, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) issued an environmental impact statement (EIS) that supports plans for Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to run through 3.5 miles of woodlands, and under the Appalachian Trail, in the Jefferson National Forest in Monroe County in West Virginia, in and Giles and Montgomery counties in Virginia (see US Forest


Pitt Researchers Get $2.5M for Fake Study to Link Shale & Kid Cancer

What if we gave the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) a $2.5 million grant to study a link between peanut butter and childhood cancer. Researchers could only use the money to study any potential link between peanut butter and kids getting rare cancers. Sounds absurd, right? What if there is NO link between peanut butter and


Ohio Passes Bill Punishing Illegal Protesters at O&G Sites

Anti-fossil fuelers love to protest things. Fine. Let them protest. This is (still) America. But when antis tip over into illegal acts like blocking legal activities of building pipelines or drilling wells, or when antis tip over into acts of vandalism like destroying equipment, that’s NOT okay. Antis call it “protesting.” We call it criminal


Va. Approves Tiny Gas-Fired Plant for Shipyard, Antis Claim Racism

Anti-fossil fuelers have a new favorite lie to tell: Any kind of power plant or pipeline that uses natural gas is racist. It’s a sick and twisted lie, but that’s the line they now use. For example, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board recently approved a permit for the construction of a new 17-megawatt natural


Johns Hopkins Junk Science: PA Fracking Gives You Heart Failure

Do political, agenda-driven “researchers” never tire of spinning false narratives around fracking? When Michael Bloomberg pays your salary (as he does for researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), apparently not. Back in 2016, Brian Schwartz, a fellow at the Post Carbon Institute (virulent anti-fossil fuel group) was among a group of


4th Circuit Clown Judges Signal They’ll Overturn MVP Permit, Again

The clown judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (one of whom quotes from children’s books in her opinions) have signaled they will overturn, again (for the second or third time) a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that allows the 92% completed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) from


A Rational Look at Why Dumping NatGas by 2050 is Impossible

There are those in the non-thinking, arrogant, ignorant Big Green movement who demand (they always demand) that everyone (except themselves) stop using fossil fuels. Now. Or the earth is dead in 10-20 years. (It’s always 10-20 years, ever notice that?) And then there are those who kind of believe there may be something to man-made


API Vows to Fight Biden’s Promised Federal Land Frack Ban

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has finally grown a backbone. Maybe. Back on Nov. 7, the API welcomed, with open arms, dithering old Joe Biden and Kamala “Commie” Harris–long before the outcome of the race was even determined. Now that the catastrophic (to oil & gas) reality of a Biden administration has started to sink


Some in Oil & Gas Industry Look Forward to a Biden Presidency

Every now and again we hear from MDN readers who mildly (or strongly) disagree with our politics and view of the leftwing Democrat Party and the frail, mentally-challenged Joe Biden (who won’t last two years in office before he’s pushed out for medical and/or mental reasons). They tell us a Biden presidency isn’t the end