
Antis on Tirade Against Duke Energy Plan to Build Gas Power Plants

Duke Energy has plans to build multiple new clean-burning natural gas-fired power plants to supply its grid over the next 15 years–some 4.7 gigawatts of new gas-fired plants (see Duke Energy Plans Lots of New Gas-Fired Plants in NC/SC/Elsewhere). Of course, anti-fossil fuel wackos are objecting. They have a “better” plan in mind for you…This


Environuts Cause Summit to Cancel 90-Mile Pipe Project in Maine

Two weeks ago MDN brought you the news that Summit Natural Gas of Maine, a regional utility company, announced plans to extend their service territory into Maine’s Midcoast region with a $90 million pipeline project (see Summit Natural Gas of Maine Plans Small $90M Pipe in Midcoast). The company’s expansion into Knox and Waldo Counties


DRBC Jumps Off Cliff – Votes to Permanently Ban Fracking

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), a quasi-governmental organization composed of four states (NY, PA, DE, NJ) plus the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, voted yesterday to permanently ban fracking within the boundaries of the DRBC’s jurisdiction, which includes Wayne and Pike counties in Pennsylvania where there is abundant Marcellus Shale deposits. But don’t despair.


Biden Breaks “No Frack Ban” Promise to PA 5th Week in Office

Remember the statement, uttered by then-candidate Joe Biden as he stood in Bucks County, PA (which sits in the Delaware River Basin) when he emphatically promised PA residents and union workers, “I’m not banning fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else!”? It took him slightly less than five weeks to break that promise. Yesterday the Biden


Are WV’s Rugged Mountains Too Much for Mountain Valley Pipeline?

WV mountains Equitrans Midstream’s Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), which stretches 303 miles from Wetzel County, WV to Pittsylvania County, VA, is backed into a corner by anti-fossil fuelers. The project is 92% complete and in the ground, yet somehow antis have successfully blocked an Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12 (NWP12) that allows the


DRBC Presses Forward – Special Mtg to Ban Fracking in Dela. Basin

What is it with the recalcitrant members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)? As we told you a few weeks ago, the DRBC is being sued by a Wayne County, PA landowner–who stands an excellent chance of winning (see DRBC Frack Ban Heading for Defeat in October Trial). The lawsuit argues DRBC does NOT


PA Antis Try to Block Permit Renewals for Shale Wastewater Recycling

A new attack against the Marcellus Shale industry in Pennsylvania comes from fossil fuel haters attempting to dispute permits reissued for existing (NOT new) shale wastewater storage and recycling facilities scattered across the state. Antis seek to shut down pipelines, rail shipments, recycling facilities, injection wells–anything they can to stop to prevent drillers from extracting


McCandless Twp, PA Blocks Shale Drilling with New Zoning Law

Last June MDN told you about a plan by McCandless, a township in Allegheny County, PA (near Pittsburgh), to block any and all shale drilling within its borders by getting creative (see McCandless Twp Tries to Block Shale Drilling with New Zoning Law). McCandless cooked up changes to its zoning laws that make it illegal


ET Asks Judge to Dismiss Mich. Activist Lawsuit Against Rover Pipe

In late 2018 the final two segments of the already-operational Rover Pipeline went online, making the project 100% complete (see FERC OKs Final 2 Rover Pipeline Laterals – Now 100% Online). Rover is a 713-mile, 3.25 Bcf/d natural gas pipeline that transports domestically produced natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica production areas to markets


DRBC Frack Ban Heading for Defeat in October Trial

In January MDN told you that after five loooong years, a federal judge in Scranton, PA had finally ruled the Wayne Land and Mineral Group (WLMG) v. Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) lawsuit will go to trial this year (see Judge Rules Wayne Landowner Lawsuit re DRBC Frack Ban Continues). We’ve since learned the trial


Antis Pressure FERC for Hearing to Shut Down Weymouth Compressor

Early last week MDN shared the great news that Enbridge’s Weymouth, Mass. compressor station finally, after years of government delays in building it, went online (see Weymouth, MA Compressor Station Now Online – Will it Stay Online?). As our headline last week teased, the question now is whether or not it will remain online. What


Antis Drool Over Actions Biden May Take to Block Pipes Incl. MVP

After Joe Biden signed an Executive Order in his first few days on the job killing the Keystone XL pipeline project (instantly throwing 11,000 union members of out high-paying jobs), anti-fossil fuel nuts have been salivating (drooling, actually) in anticipation of what else old dementia Joe will do next to kill off other pipeline projects,


FERC’s Dick Glick Targets NatGas Pipes Using Eminent Domain

FERC Chairman Glick Newly appointed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Richard “Dick” Glick is already targeting natural gas pipelines–to keep them from getting built. Since his appointment by Donald Trump, Glick, a Chuck Schumer Democrat, has voted against every single new natural gas pipeline project using the excuse of man-made global warming. Now he’s


OH Shale Crescent USA: Not Letting Biden’s Attacks Slow Them Down

In 2016 a group of business and government leaders from Ohio and West Virginia in the Mid-Ohio Valley banded together to form an economic development group called Shale Crescent USA, or SCUSA (see Group Promotes Mid-Ohio Valley for Petrochem: Shale Crescent USA). The aim of the group is to attract manufacturers (particularly petrochemical manufacturers) to


Is Scheme to “Certify” NatGas Emissions a Carbon Tax Trojan Horse?

On Friday MDN told you that EQT has partnered with a company called Project Canary (used to be Independent Energy Standards Corporation) to use the TrustWell™ Responsible Gas Program to monitor two EQT gas wells to prove to the world (in particular the global warming lunatics) that EQT’s gas is good and green (see EQT