American Oil

Price Gouging Myth Comes Back Once Again Just In Time For Elections

As the election heats up, some politicians are yet again attempting to revive the tired and debunked myth that American energy producers are artificially raising energy prices on consumers. Later this afternoon, Democrats on the House Natural Resources committee plan to host a Roundtable on “holding Big Oil accountable” for alleged price gouging. While this


IEA: Increasingly Tight Market Demonstrates Need for Domestic Production

The International Energy Agency’s monthly Oil Market Report for January forecasts a dynamic and mutating crude market in 2023: while inventories are expected to grow in the first quarter, various international dynamics may cause the market to be extremely tight by the end of the year.   Per IEA, in the first three months of 2023,


Report: Even In Most Demanding Future Decarbonization Scenarios, World Needs U.S. Oil and Natural Gas

A new report from the Breakthrough Institute examines future oil and natural gas demand through the lens of four decarbonization scenarios and the possible impacts climate policies and international politics might have on the industry. While the report emphasizes infrastructure deficiencies and the need for economic diversification in these future climate scenarios, it also makes