American Energy Partners Inc.

ODNR Seeks $6M from Austin Master Services to Cover Cleanup Costs

One of the significant stories of 2024 in the Ohio Utica was about Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, that handles fracking waste (trucks it for disposal). AMS ran into trouble when it ran out of money. The Martins Ferry facility where waste is temporarily…


Austin Master Services Cleanup in Martins Ferry One-Third Complete

In July, the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) opened up the shuttered Austin Master Services (AMS) radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, to begin cleanup work at the facility (see Flurry of Activity at Austin Master Services Site in Martins Ferry). AMS is permitted by the ODNR to temporarily…


Phase 1 of Austin Master Serv. Cleanup in Martins Ferry “Complete”

In late July, the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) opened up the shuttered Austin Master Services (AMS) radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, to begin cleanup work at the facility (see Flurry of Activity at Austin Master Services Site in Martins Ferry). AMS is permitted by the ODNR to…


Austin Master Services CEO Pays $25,000 Bond to Stay Out of Jail

Last week, MDN exclusively brought you the news that the CEO of American Environmental Services, which owns Austin Master Services (AMS), had filed a brief with Belmont County Court to either forgive or reduce a $1.2 million bond needed to keep the CEO, Brad Domitrovitsch, out of jail (see Austin Master Serv. CEO Asks Court…


Martins Ferry, OH Mayor Wants AMS Site Shut Down Permanently

According to Public News Service (PNS), a Big Green propaganda outfit funded (in part) by the Fresh Water Accountability Project, the CEO of Austin Master Services (AMS), a frack waste storage facility in Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, was supposed to attend a Belmont County court hearing by phone. He faces contempt-of-court charges for failing to clean…


Martins Ferry Sees No Evidence of Cleanup at Austin Master Serv.

We have been tracking and reporting on the drama surrounding Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, located close to the Ohio River, since the Ohio Attorney General lodged charges against the company back in March (see our AMS stories here). AMS has stored at least…


Martins Ferry Council Pressures ODNR to Clean Up AMS Facility…NOW

We have been tracking and reporting on the drama surrounding Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, located close to the Ohio River (see our AMS stories here). Two weeks ago, a Belmont County Common Pleas Court judge ordered AMS to be fined $200 per day…


Austin Master Services Claims It is “Effectively a Dead Company”

We have been tracking and reporting on the drama surrounding Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry ( Belmont County), Ohio, located close to the Ohio River (see our AMS stories here). Last week, a Belmont County Common Pleas Court judge ordered AMS to be fined $200 per day…


Ohio AG Asks Court to Jail AMS CEO Overnights Until Mess Cleaned

Last Thursday, MDN brought you the news that Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost asked a Belmont County judge to find Austin Master Services (AMS) and Brad D. Domitrovitsch, who is in control of the company (both CEO and CFO), in contempt for “failing to meet the court’s deadline to clean up the illegal levels of…


Martins Ferry Asks ODNR to Begin Cleanup of Austin Master Services

Yesterday we told you that Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost is asking a Belmont County judge to find Austin Master Services (AMS) and Brad D. Domitrovitsch, who is in control of the company, in contempt for “failing to meet the court’s deadline to clean up the illegal levels of fracking waste stored at its recycling…


Martins Ferry Mayor Gives Update on Closed Frack Wastewater Facility

Yesterday, MDN reported that Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost took legal action on Monday, seeking to force Austin Master Services (AMS) in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), OH, to correct “egregious violations of Ohio law” regarding the storage of oil and gas waste that he says threatens the Ohio River and Martins Ferry’s drinking water supply…


Ohio AG Sues Austin Master Services for Unsafe Storage of Wastewater

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost took legal action Monday, seeking to force Austin Master Services in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), OH, to correct “egregious violations of Ohio law” regarding storage of oil and gas waste that he says threatens the Ohio River (500 feet away) and Martins Ferry’s drinking water supply (1,000 feet away). Austin…


American Enviro. Reverse Merger w/Hospital Supply Chain Co Coming 1Q

Last October, MDN told you that American Energy Partners, Inc. (AEPT), based in Allentown, PA, with its fingers in several different pies, including subsidiaries in drilling, remediation, water, and more, changed its name to American Environmental Partners, Inc. (see American Energy Partners Changes Name, Swaps Enviro. for Energy). A few days later, MDN exclusively broke…


American Energy Announces Reverse Merger w/Hospital Supply Chain Co

This is one of those times where we scratch our heads and say, Huh? Just last week, we brought you the news that American Energy Partners, Inc. (AEPT), based in Allentown, PA, with its fingers in several different pies, including subsidiaries in drilling, remediation, water, and more, is changing its name to American Environmental Partners,…


American Energy Partners Changes Name, Swaps Enviro. for Energy

American Energy Partners, Inc. (AEPT), based in Allentown, PA, is a small but diversified company. They have their fingers in a number of different oil and gas pies, including subsidiaries in drilling, remediation, water, and more. We’ve written a number of posts about AEPT, the most recent in July 2022 when the company purchased Austin…