Alternative Energy

Canceled Conn. Gas-Fired Plant Blocking Battery Plant at Same Site

Here’s a story in the karma-is-a-boomerang department… In July 2019, the Connecticut Siting Council approved the Killingly Energy Center gas-fired power plant project after initially rejecting it (see Connecticut Approves New Natgas-Fired Electric Plant in Killingly). The Killingly project would have built a 650-megawatt gas-fired plant in eastern Connecticut. The Siting Council recognized that some…


Mark Mills Deflates the Enviro-Left’s “Magical Thinking” Balloon

Mark Mills is an author, formerly a Senior Fellow for the Manhattan Institute, and a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal. Mills is an energy expert that we’ve quoted on MDN many times. He’s one of our favorite authors and speakers. Mills recently gave a presentation to NACCO Industries, a Cleveland organization. In his…


DOE Inspector General Sounds the Alarm on $385B in “Green” Loans

You’ve always known that there’s corruption in the federal government, right? With that much money sloshing around, people with sticky fingers show up and grab some of it for themselves. Today’s story of government corruption will blow your mind. Thanks to the Biden Infrastructure Law and the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, some $385 billion was…


$11B Power Line from Upstate NY Solar & Wind to NYC Canceled

For those unlucky enough to live in New York City and its sprawling suburbs, get ready for blackouts due to the lack of electricity. The state of New York and developers of the 175-mile Clean Path NY transmission line have “mutually agreed to terminate” contracts underpinning the project, which was planned to come online in…


Shapiro Wants to Repurpose $1.4B in NatGas Tax Credits for Renewables

In November 2022, PA’s then-Governor, Tom Wolf, signed into law a bill providing $142 million annually in state tax credits for several purposes, including clean hydrogen hubs, natural gas use, semiconductor manufacturing, and milk processors (see PA Gov Wolf Signs into Law $2.1B Tax Credit Bill for H2, NatGas). Over 20 years, the law would…


EQT’s Toby Rice Says Renewables Can’t Meet Demand from AI & EVs

Toby Rice, the Chief Executive Officer of EQT Corporation, currently the largest natural gas producer in the U.S. (but about to become second-largest next week, after Chesapeake Energy & Southwestern Energy merge to become the largest, see today’s companion story), addressed the 800 attendees at the Shale Insight event yesterday. He was in Erie, PA,…


PA May Not Be Able to Keep All the Lights On in Four Years

The CEO of the Energy Association of PA who is also a former chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) asks this question: What can Pennsylvania lawmakers do about a looming regional power shortage that they didn’t cause and can’t easily fix? He says this dilemma poses the most important energy issue facing the…


PA Gov. Shapiro Seeks to Require 35% Unreliable Renewables by 2035

In 2004, Pennsylvania implemented one of the most aggressive mandates to adopt wind and solar energy. At the time, less than 1% of net energy generation came from wind and solar in the Keystone State. In 2023, after the state had spent nearly $1.5 billion in subsidies, wind and solar generated less than 2%. And…


PA Bill Mandates 30% of Electricity Come from Solar/Wind by 2030

Whenever the government mandates which energy sources residents can and cannot use, residents lose. The government’s micromanaging of energy is a prescription for high prices and supply chain failures (i.e., blackouts). Yet leftists like Pennsylvania Rep. Danielle Friel Otten (a radical Democrat from the Philadelphia area) never seem to learn. She introduced a bill, House…


NatGas-Powered WATT Fuel Cells HQ Staying in Westmoreland County

WATT Fuel Cell Corp. signed a seven-year extension of its lease to keep its headquarters in Westmoreland County, PA. WATT Fuel Cell manufactures Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (“SOFC”) stacks and systems that operate on common, readily available fuels such as natural gas and propane. Instead of burning and combusting natural gas (or propane), those fuel…


DNV Report Says Renewables Won’t Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050

Norwegian company DNV operates as a quality assurance and risk management company. It offers supply chain, data management, technical assurance, software, and advisory services. DNV recently published its annual Energy Transition Outlook 2023 (copy below). DNV’s predictions are somewhat shocking. The company is a global warming Kool-Aid drinker, believing we’ll all toast if we don’t…


EIA Report: Renewables Get Far More Gov’t Subsidies than Fossil Fuels

For years, we’ve seen the lie repeated by mainstream media, Big Green shills, and environmental lackeys that fossil energy gets big government subsidies. Let’s put that lie to bed right now. The Bidenistas, who operate the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), very quietly issued a major new report in early August that shows green energy…


Cold Hard Fact: Solar & Wind Supply Piddly 2% of NY’s Electricity

Every single week, we read stories in mainstream media (and in the fringe environmental media) that declare so-called renewables, namely solar and wind, are taking the world by storm. They’re replacing fossil fuels. The fat lady is just about ready to sing and bring down the curtain on fossil energy because wind and solar are…


PA Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Wrong Approach to Electric Grid Reliability

Let’s face it: Josh Shapiro has been a major disappointment as Governor of Pennsylvania. He promised the moon to voters–that he would be both pro-gas and anti-gas at the same time. Some believed him, but we didn’t. Each week, new information comes along that reveals Shapiro’s true nature as a radical leftist Democrat. Shapiro said…